HAIL my children

Yeah the mosquitoes and the Iraqi insurgent homicide bombers and yeast infections
What's up with that Lord?
tonksy, progeniture, Culicidae are highly useful. One day you may discover their positive notes beyond bat food.

Winky - I see your son is well, as planned. Refer to the biblical passages following the adventures of Noah and his family for answers to your original inquiry. The latter was, for lack of a better term, a joke gone bad. :biker:
look..i've been a really good girl, i say my prayers, i am charitable, i say ma'am to smelly old ladies....so, what i was wondering is...i mean...if it wouldn't be any trouble...could you help the falcons out a little tomorrow afternoon?
PrincessLissa said:
Why are women the designated sex to bear children?

cause guys arent responsable enough of course. and anyway thats what you get for taking one of our ribs.

Does the American Family Association really speak for you when they attack Sponge Bob Square Pants for being gay? And what kind of beer do they serve in heaven? Or is heaven dry?
No man can serve two masters. [Matthew 6:24]

Sorry God but as you see I can only serve myself though I'll spare a thought or two for you occasionally.
Thulsa Doom said:
cause guys arent responsable enough of course. and anyway thats what you get for taking one of our ribs.

Does the American Family Association really speak for you when they attack Sponge Bob Square Pants for being gay?
Yes, GOD ALMIGHTY, what do you think of Spongebob and Friends?
So, what exactly have your conversations been with Georgie?

When will he finally get delivered his lump of coal he so deserves?
no, wait; thats the responsibility of 'Santa Clause', isn't it? :brush: