Halloween Costumes


Kissy Goddess
My neice has always had the most amazing costumes ever. She was Poison Ivy, Sally (NMBC), that chick from Resident Evil, and some other characters. Her and her Mom are incredibly artistic so the costumes were flat out amazing.

So this year, her and 4 of her friends are going to a *Halloween Howler* featuring *Default* as the band that's playing that night. There will be 2 girls and 3 boys - so they were considering something like X-Men or Batman and his Foes.... I told her I'd ask here for some creative ideas. They need a *group* of characters that sort of go together - she wants to be Mystique, only not naked and painted on like Rebecca Stamos - but a body suit altered.

Anyone else have any cool ideas?


Well-Known Member
Group of five? Hmm... dress them up as boxers and tell them they're Five for Fighting. Get it? HA! HA! HA! LOL! LOL! LOL! :D :D :D


Well-Known Member
Get some big cardboard boxes and decorate them like the "Fandango" paper bag puppets in movie previews.

My friend had that idea, and it sounds so awesome. Personally, I'm gonna either do that, or dress up like one of the Blues Brothers, and have my brother be the other one.


New Member
Well generally I do not reveal my idenity in public but since it's halloween people will not believe me when I come to school as


All my teachers always ask why I late and I always have to lie and say I was taking a crap but now I can reveal myself... I was saving the world.

-Batman Out


Well-Known Member
I've got an old 15" monitor I was gonna bust the screen outta, hang a few circuit panels off myself and be a robot.


New Member
I was going to be Ezri Dax but I got hung up at the school and missed the ending of my friends ebay auction on the shirt :mope:


Well-Known Member
Make them practice a cheesy ABBA accent, make them leiderhosen, paint their faces grey, attach wires and other circuitry to their faces and they can go as the Bjorg

Ve are de Bjorg...resistance iz fuuutile, yuu vill be assimilated!!


New Member
Make them practice a cheesy ABBA accent, make them leiderhosen, paint their faces grey, attach wires and other circuitry to their faces and they can go as the Bjorg

Ve are de Bjorg...resistance iz fuuutile, yuu vill be assimilated!!

*handonhip *you can do better than that.

Aunty Em

Well-Known Member
I once went to a fancy dress party as the "Party Spirit" dressed in a long white sheet, carrying a wine bottle and festooned with streamers... which was pretty innovativie considering we were staying in nissan huts the middle of nowhere at the time, we had an hour to make a costume and the rules said we could only use what we could find onsite.

I think I was 16 at the time.