

mmm, that looks nice and cold. i wish i had cold beer (and a good reason to drink it all) :beerbang: stupid closed liquor stores
you da man! for some reason it only takes 3 pints for that stuff to have an affect on me but fosters takes about 5 or 6....
erm I think fosters is 4.5 and stella is 5.1 or sumfink like that but that doesnt explain a 50% increase in pissed-factor
then again when you think about quantities 5.1 percent of a pint is prolly about as much as 40% of a shooter so that would explain a fair few things
I think they should have named my Uni 'school for pissed up northerners' instead of 'The University of Huddersfield' no wonder its number 139 in the league tables!