Here we go again - Periorbital cellulitis


Well-Known Member
Periorbital cellulitis - an infection of the eyelid and tissues surrounding the eye. It can be the result of minor trauma to the area around the eye (such as an insect bite or a scratch), or it may be the extension of another site of infection, such as sinusitis. Periorbital cellulitis is treated with antibiotics and close follow-up. If untreated, it can progress to orbital cellulitis (infection of the eye orbit, or socket), a much more severe infection that results in a bulging eyeball, eye pain, restricted eye movements, or visual disturbances. This is an emergency that requires hospitalization and intravenous antibiotics.

Guess who's got it? :(
I will...and thanks. This is just the latest in a series of bad medical things that my son's been through recently.

Maybe I accidentally spit on a Gypsy

Went back into teh hospital this morning for another dose of anti-biotics. The swelling had progressed to the point where we were no longer able to see his eyelashes anymore. They began a second type of anti-biotics along with the first type. They wanted to check and make sure that the infection wasn't going going too far. JAG was prepped for a CT-scan. They used suppository relaxants (which had no effect on him and which eventually caused him diarhea) then two doses of liquid relaxants which eventually knocked him out. When they transfered him to the CT-scanner...he shrugged off the effects and woke up in a temper. It took 2 doctors, the CT tech, the nurse, meself and Mireille to hold him down while an injected relaxant was added to his IV mix...eventually redering him zombie-like long enough that they could use the machine on him...all this while Mireille was with him...he still wouldn't go it alone. The possible abscess (which would've required surgery to drain) proved negative, but the infection is now behind the eyeball (Orbital cellulitis), so they're keeping him for a few days with some outpatient afterwards until the eye is back to normal. Tonight, Mireille is staying with him...tomorrow's my night...they only allow one parent per child past midnight.

Tomorrow, they check the inflamation and plan on another CT-scan. The main worry...abscesses which can push the eyeball forward and can, in extreme cases, cause blindness. the secondary worry is the optic nerve which leads straight to the brain. If the bacterial infection could cause an infection on the brain's arachno matar..the outer layer, or the dura matar.

I may not be able to update tomorrow night, but I'll try to do so ASAP. Thanks for the support.


Leslie said:
aw :(

eyes are the worst for parents. :sadhug:
agreed.. I lost one of my eyes when I was 12 now everytime one of my kids even gets poked in the eye i put them through the test and makesure everything is ok.

MrBishop said:
Went back into teh hospital this morning for another dose of anti-biotics. The swelling had progressed to the point where we were no longer able to see his eyelashes anymore. They began a second type of anti-biotics along with the first type. They wanted to check and make sure that the infection wasn't going going too far. JAG was prepped for a CT-scan. They used suppository relaxants (which had no effect on him and which eventually caused him diarhea) then two doses of liquid relaxants which eventually knocked him out. When they transfered him to the CT-scanner...he shrugged off the effects and woke up in a temper. It took 2 doctors, the CT tech, the nurse, meself and Mireille to hold him down while an injected relaxant was added to his IV mix...eventually redering him zombie-like long enough that they could use the machine on him...all this while Mireille was with him...he still wouldn't go it alone. The possible abscess (which would've required surgery to drain) proved negative, but the infection is now behind the eyeball (Orbital cellulitis), so they're keeping him for a few days with some outpatient afterwards until the eye is back to normal. Tonight, Mireille is staying with him...tomorrow's my night...they only allow one parent per child past midnight.

Tomorrow, they check the inflamation and plan on another CT-scan. The main worry...abscesses which can push the eyeball forward and can, in extreme cases, cause blindness. the secondary worry is the optic nerve which leads straight to the brain. If the bacterial infection could cause an infection on the brain's arachno matar..the outer layer, or the dura matar.

I may not be able to update tomorrow night, but I'll try to do so ASAP. Thanks for the support.

Only one parent per child thats gotta be tough.....

My thoughts and prayers are with the little guy Marc. :hug:

There are so much they can now do concerning eyes and eyesight... (my man's an opthalmology nurse... its amazing the stuff he talks about)

I'm sure all will be well.
Awww, that poor little guy. I feel so bad for him. Sending him and your family many prayers for a speedy recovery... :sadhug: :sadhug: :sadhug: :sadhug: :sadhug:
Well...they just kicked me out again. Only one adult per child overnight. We tried to both stay because they're talking about deciding on surgery tomorrow morning in case there's no change or a worsening of his infection. This'll happen between 7h30 and 9h30 and we both wanted to be there..jsut inc ase. I'm home and I should be back there tomorrow at 7h30. I may or may not go to work for 9am depending on whether they operate or not.

This fine evening, they decided to open up his nostril and nasal passage with a 6" long fun! They would be operating through the nostril if they do. He seems fine sleeping now, eating well and got to walk around without the IV hookup for 30 mins. The kids' a regular Tigger (T - EYE Double-G Rrrrrrrrrrr)..and bounced around more than actually walking. :D

Thanks for all the good wishes.
Damn now that sounds genuinely unpleasant.

What do they say the benefit of digging around
and through the Kid’s sinus cavity would be?
UPDATE: they will operate this afternoon. They've got to drain the sinuses and spray antibiotics inside. The swelling outside has gone down, but not enough and the sinus infections aren't helping matters. Once the surgery is over, the reduced strain on his system should help push the eye infection over the edge and hopfully...far far away!

That's it for now. I'll try to post again post-surgery...maybe tonight.
My wife and I sent our best wishes and prayers to your family bud. Take care and give the little tyke a big ol honkin' piece of candy after it's over. He deserves it.