How would you feel if........

Mirlyn said:
Other way around. ;) Men can watch the femms. Though, I think its only where the sinks are, not the stalls. Haven't been there, this is only from what I've heard on the radio. I was merely imagining what it would be like for females, with the "not knowing" stuff. :tardbang:

I don't like that. That would suck. Isn't that some sort of invasion of privacy, against the law type of thing?
PuterTutor said:
I do my daily business at work most days. It usually happens after the 10 O-clock break, after a cig and coffee.

Do you do it even if there's someone else in the bathroom with you or do you wait till they leave?
greenfreak said:
Do you do it even if there's someone else in the bathroom with you or do you wait till they leave?

I just go when I gotta go. I don't really care if there are other people in there or not, they are doing the same thing I am, so what's the difference?
Now if I'm ripping off a big fart, I'll get alone somewhere to do that. Belches too.
Funny bathroom story:

This company I used to work for had the engineering dept. in an older building. The bathroom had two areas to it. The first area was the lavatory area which consisted of an old, round wash basin where you stepped on a bar and washed your hands. There were also sinks along the wall that had been added. The other area was the toilet area. You couldn't see the toilets unless you walked around the corner. Being a contract engineering company, we constantly had customers in. At least once a week I would walk into the bathroom to find a customer urinating in the round wash basin. The look on their face when I walked around the corner and used a toilet or urinal was priceless.

As for the holding it in. I hold it in till I get home or I am alone...for both functions. I can pee in public toliets, but that is about it.
When I was three or so, the preschool I attended moved from a small building just north of downtown Paso Robles to a double-wide a mile or two east of town. After a few weeks there, they installed a urinal in the bathroom. I'll never forget the time I walked past the bathroom and saw one of the other kids sitting on the urinal with his pants down, taking a dump. :D
I've seen that in movies and in funny internet pics. My friends that are bouncers say that they see it all the time at the clubs. I have yet to witness anything like that, and I think I might be alright not seeing it.
PrincessLissa said:
I don't like that. That would suck. Isn't that some sort of invasion of privacy, against the law type of thing?

The club is well-known for it. I'd imagine they have other bathrooms for the non-voyuer types. ;)
If they are well known for it, I would imagine the girls know it too and wouldn't go in the bathroom.
Inkara1 said:
I'd be fine with it as long as the stalls are all enclosed.
Ditto... although nudity doesn't bother me, poo pong does and men just seem to be smellier!

That would actually be my main complaint...the smell. Most womens rest rooms smell nothing like mens rest rooms. The smell of the urinals... *puke* And why DO most men have so much trouble hitting the target when they use a toilet? :lol:

... as for taking a dump when someone else is around... when you have IBS and you gotta go the queen could be in the next stall and it wouldn't make any difference, you dump! :D
Aunty Em said:
Most womens rest rooms smell nothing like mens rest rooms.

Bathroom story time....same company as previous story.

HR had to call a 'female' meeting of all the girls in the manufacturing area. The womens room was a total wreck. Bloody tampons stuck in the toilets, not flushing the toilets, God knows what else. Of course we're talking about girls that aren't exactly the cream of the crop. My then girlfriend always complained about how nasty the womens room was.....and smelly.
Ours is smelly between 9 and 11 because of all the women who go #2 after their morning coffee. Otherwise, it smells like perfume, soap and hair spray.

Previous job, there was an incident where a woman completely wrecked one of the stalls and left it there. Apparently she had been surprised by her period and took her stained underwear off and put it in the little bin stuck to the wall but it didnt fit and was hanging out. There were splatters all over the place and the toilet was clogged because of all the toilet paper she used. It was totally gross.

I think most women would make more of an effort to keep it clean and spray air freshener if it smelled but there are some that are just filthy.
I worked in restaurants for a few years in high school and immediatly after. I can say that women are most definitely the dirtier sex when it comes to restrooms. Now, yes, men miss the toilet and you get piss on the floor that has to be mopped up. But, women will just pitch the used tampon behind the toilet (found at least six behind the toilet) , try to flush the tampon (As if it will fit down our toilet, when it won't fit down the one at home. :retard: ) and leave balled up, presumable used toilet paper and paper towels laying all over the floor. Now, I assume they don't do this type of thing at home or even at work, but when it's someplace they can be anonymous at, they are just disgusting.