I suck

All I need is to figure out how ot get the combo for the green room one...:(

I have ALL the items and i have done the modifying that needs to be done (i think)
There's a green room? :confused: I've done the crimson room, the blue chamber, and the veridian room. The veridian room was more... vague, but the clues are all there.
MrBishop said:
All right...tell me what the hell I'm doing wrong, 'cause I can't see it.
****SPOILER*****don't know how to do the texty thingie*

it's the day and month? or month and day? one or the other, the date the bike got stolen..
Leslie said:
****SPOILER*****don't know how to do the texty thingie*

it's the day and month? or month and day? one or the other, the date the bike got stolen..

Wrong room...but thanks :D

I've solved the Room with the telephone and I'm one step away from solving the one with the dancing video, 'cept the combo won't work. :shrug:

It's the crimson room where the combo won't work.

I'm working on the green (Viridian) chamber now :D
Leslie said:
****SPOILER*****don't know how to do the texty thingie*

it's the day and month? or month and day? one or the other, the date the bike got stolen..

Opening the bike lock doesn't get ouy out of the room...don't know what does now, and I can't read Chinese all that well. :(
:s I must really suck because I haven't a clue how to get out of the Crimson room. I have just about everything, I think, but still haven't a clue. :s
**** Spoilers *****

What you're trying to do is "free" the skeleton from the room, right...? So, unlocking the bike chain is the start. The next thing you need to do is get certain items and place them near the jar that you can use to burn the incense in. The combination of the incense, a few items, and ringing that little bell will "free" the skeleton, and you will see the end sequence. Don't forget to look closely at that blanket once you pick it up, as there is something crucial there. Also, you need six of those chinese character cards to complete the game.
And the beer needs to stay cold!!! So don't pull it out of the fridge until the end...

If you're still stuck, PM more for more hints.
Rose said:
*hugs Bish*

Okay, made it out of the Crimson room. Working on blue now. *hates these games*

How did you do it? I re-played it, but the code doesn't seem to be working from the url. :confused:

edit: nevermind. Apparently you have to reset the game after getting the code from the url. :rolleyes:
BeardofPants said:
How did you do it? I re-played it, but the code doesn't seem to be working from the url. :confused:

edit: nevermind. Apparently you have to reset the game after getting the code from the url. :rolleyes:

Sis had some troubles with the code, too. I kept getting the same code each time. She got something different a few times and never did get the same as I did. Took her a while to finally get something to work, but she finally escaped. Now she's as frustrated as me with the blue room so she's trying the green one. I've not touched that one yet. *lol*
Two questions about the green room -- (may contain spoils)

is the music special/relative? You know when it gets all dark and creepy? It kinda freaks me out and I can't stand to hear it. That and I don't undrestand what it's saying anyway.

And how do you get to the bike chain if you can't pick up the blanket? Er, do you have to pick up the blanket?
Tell your sis that the blue room is WAY easier than the green room. :eek:

The music usually tells you if there is something in the vicinity that is "interesting", but not always. Yes, you need to pick up the blanket. Just keep clicking on it. Oh, and the music goes creepy when you pick up stuff as well.
BoP -- the blue room is freakin' impossible I think. I made it out, but only because Bish came to the rescue. I swear the phone number is not to be found in that room. Is it random? *lol*
****spoilers for the blue room****

No, the number is given by that message "Help *skull* me". It's simple... look on your cellphone, see how there's both numbers and letters? It's just a matter of replacing the letters and the skull with the proper numbers (the skull becomes an asterix).