If circumstances forced you to do your own killing for meat...


Too cute for words
ResearchMonkey said:
would I kill to eat?

I keep the dog nice and fat just incase that day ever comes.
But then you'll have the dog-gone blues...

"He was my cat's meow til he became puppy chow."


New Member
HeXp£Øi± said:
I was hunting for some rhubarb once. Finally saw one through the brush and got a shot off hitting it in the gut. Amazingly it ran off and managed to outpace me. I could tell it was injured by it's distant cries in the forest and i tracked it by following the trail of rhubarb juice spilling from its gut. It's painful cries echoed through my brain. Sadly i could not catch up with the rhubarb. I'm certain it died a horrific painful death. Somehow that day that rhubarb passed a piece of his spirit on to me and i haven't been able to hunt rhubarb, or any other plants since. :crying6:

Ah yes, but have you ever done battle with a watermelon stand? Thats where the hunters instincts and cunning come into full force.


Southern Discomfort
2 words: Hell no! The first calf I raised as a teenager I named T-Bone. The next year, Sirloin.

Vegetarian. :grinno: Not an option. Animals taste too good.


Screwing with the code...
Staff member
oils ol'betsy down for another weekend hunt... :devil: sorry les you know where id be sitting.


Well-Known Member
samcurry said:
oils ol'betsy down for another weekend hunt... :devil: sorry les you know where id be sitting.

Bastard. Next year, I gets even. I swear. If I don't bag a caribou, I'm not coming back.


Staff member
caribou? You're goin' caribou hunting?

yeah, I knew where you'd be sittin sammy :D


Well-Known Member
Damn straight. I want one of each, if I can pull it off. Deer, Caribou, and a moose. I've already made plans to have 6 weeks off.


Well-Known Member
Not that far. I've a buddy up north of Abitibi, in Lasarre. North of him, there's nothing but trees 'til you hit James Bay. But there are lots of caribou even south of us. 'Cept those ignerant americans call them elk.


Staff member
wow. Ya learn somethin new every day. AFAIK there aren't any wild anywhere near here. There is a farm 10 minutes up the highway, the kids get a kick out of that driving by.


Off 'Motherfuckin' Topic Elite
It's only illegal if you get caught.

And we have Missouri Slow Elk down this way. Not hard to find at all, but the sport really isn't there. Here, I managed to find a pic of one.