Is it possible to be.........

Yes it is possible (to actually feel in loved), but it is also likely to be a spell that would break the moment you met him.
NO. You have no idea who the person is. You may have the hots for a persona that has been created but love is a gradual & earned feeling. Horniness just happens.
but this is different. i know his friends and they have become my friends. so i know a lot about him.
So am I.

Love takes a vast amount of time & commitment, patience & understanding. It is earned, never given lightly.

It is the polar opposite of lust. Describe this persons walk, his scent, his mannerisms. What are his ambitions (not what he says, what he does)? I bet you can't because you don't know this person.
but i'm not horny and stuff with him. we joke around but when we talk in private we talk sincerely. about our lives and everything really. my best friend online has an online bf. they have been together for 6 months already and they are head over heals.
i fell in love with someone i met online but i had to actually meet them a couple times to know i was in love. before i just thought i was using them for sex. what a shock for me eh!
as someone who was in a two year relationship with someone online, i can testify, that YES!! it is possible to fall in love with someone online.

it's still possible to build trust and understanding online... that's what being friends first is for.

but then you realise how great they are, and bam! you're an item, and people look at you funny when you tell them your boyfriend lives overseas and you've never met him.

so yeah.

people who say it's not possible, are probably either very skeptical, haven't been in such a relationship, or both.
ash r said:
people who say it's not possible, are probably either very skeptical, haven't been in such a relationship, or both.

I vote for option 3---a much clearer understanding of reality.
Thulsa Doom said:
whats wrong with using our bodies?
thats not what i meant.......i meant our society focuses on the way we look. sometimes you can find ppl who have a better relationship when excluding that aspect and focusing on one's personality instead.
ash r said:
as someone who was in a two year relationship with someone online, i can testify, that YES!! it is possible to fall in love with someone online.

it's still possible to build trust and understanding online... that's what being friends first is for.

but then you realise how great they are, and bam! you're an item, and people look at you funny when you tell them your boyfriend lives overseas and you've never met him.

so yeah.

people who say it's not possible, are probably either very skeptical, haven't been in such a relationship, or both.

Erm, please explain to a pleb like me how the hell you could call someone your boyfriend if you've never met him? Do you have any intention of ever meeting? Or will you get married online & have online babies eventually?
re : is it possible to be.......

i bloody hope so or i'm about to make a really serious error, i'll let you know in a couple of weeks if it's possible or not and whether it works. but can i just ask whether you actually speak with him or just type stuff? cause you can tell alot about a person from their voice. i wish you all the best if you do think it's love cause i certainly don't want to be the only one here who believe it's possible. seriously you get to know alot about a person this way sometimes, i mean i believe i know this guy better than what most people know about there partners cause we really have to express our feelings alot more clearly and are very open with each other and since we can't touch each other so we have to talk instead. good luck with it and don't let anyway tell you that you are stupid for believing in such a thing, follow your heart:winkkiss: NB get yourself a webcam, lots of fun to be had there!
Re: re : is it possible to be.......

I met my fiancee on-line, but I fell in love with him after we met a few times in person...
I met me girl online..........well, we chatted a bit online then met up the next day, if that counts :)
I think what Gonz is trying so tactlessly to say is that it's hard to get to know someone til you meet them. He may seem like a knight in shining armor, but online gives us confindences that we don't otherwise have, as well as the ability to edit what we say. It gives us that split second longer to think about what we are going to say, and avoid saying the stupid or hurtful things we end up saying in RL. Just be careful is all, don't give your whole heart til you've met this guy in person. You just never know.