Is it possible to be.........

Buttcrackdivine said:
True, some people also need to realize that there are people out there who are stern in their methodology of advice giving and that if they publicly ask for advice they have to realize not all would be so peppy as to give you what you want to hear or dumbed down, sugar coated happy pills of life. Those people should procede to remove the stick of righteousness and happiness from their ass and wake up because the dream was done long ago.

Oh lookie a smile.....

be still my jealous heart for i have smiled,
wicked sins of scathing tongue,
glaring eyes of the soulless child,
smile my pretty, smile now, forever more,
......the devil beckons for my sinful intent
pity that he shall be my sinful whore
forever more, forever more....pity the fool never more.
you're twisting what i said.

there's nothing wrong with giving someone the flat out truth but ya can be a little nicer in doing it.
Philly said:
you're twisting what i said.

there's nothing wrong with giving someone the flat out truth but ya can be a little nicer in doing it.

Bleh and bollocks......and tarnish the piquancy?...the delicate, epucurious piquancy that predicates utmost joy of literature....never.

pish-tosh tonksy.
Buttcrackdivine said:
Bleh and bollocks......and tarnish the piquancy?...the delicate, epucurious piquancy that predicates utmost joy of literature....never.

pish-tosh tonksy.
is it time for you to wander off to sleep? i think ur brain needs refueling.........
Philly said:
is it time for you to wander off to sleep? i think ur brain needs refueling.........

That was pathetic. Seriously...if you're going to make an effort to needlessly insult someone please do so on an atleast 8th grade level. We are past Elementary school.

BTW i see no need for such backlash. You asked why be so "mean" (which to me is just plain normal) and i said why.
Philly said:
no more of this, Philly - Leslie

no needlessly insulting someone is quite an incorrect way to view it.
I must disagree here...he stated his opinion in answer to your question.
Have we gone too far afield with the bad blood to be able to reel it back in to the central idea? I was going to say something, but it looks as if this has completely broken down.
Those who give advice, even stern advice, by means both fair and accepting can often germinate the subtle seeds of self reflection and enlightenment.

Those who give the very same advice by means of club and insult tend only to solidify the opposite thinking on the part of the receiver. And if these givers don’t care about that effect then why give it to begin with? Unless, as it usually comes down to, its more a reflection of a bitter element of the giver which the receiver has simply given them an opportunity to vocalize. Some people feel better when given a chance to step on toes in malice. Be careful where you stick your toes Philly.
Philly said:
even if u've been there or done that, its still no reason for someone to be an asshole. if what u say is true then u'd think a person would be kind hearted in their advice. i think some ppl need to remove the stick thats been pushed way to far up their ass and realize its a big world out there. there's others that do not care to deal with their bitchiness.

read the pm i sent you. i will admit again love knows no bounds but at the same time we are aware you can get hurt and we dont want you hurt. just PT is more tactful about ti and buttcrack and gonz are just getting to the point and not holding back
unclehobart said:
Have we gone too far afield with the bad blood to be able to reel it back in to the central idea? I was going to say something, but it looks as if this has completely broken down.

No bad blood. This is just another disagreement. It's ludacris to hate someone online who you'll never meet.
And if these givers don?t care about that effect then why give it to begin with? Unless, as it usually comes down to, its more a reflection of a bitter element of the giver which the receiver has simply given them an opportunity to vocalize.

It is exactly the reason they do give advice, because they don't care of the effect. They expect the person to heed the advice any way they wish. It is not to so simple to label their stern ways as mere bitterness on their part. The reciever has not opened any doors for the giver....seeing as how the giver can just start a thread here to shove his/her mantra down the throats of the willing listeneres here. It is simply another methodology of feeding the it gentle or laiden with thorns.
Oh, I fell in love online... he was also a poet and I fell in love with him through his poetry, which was quite beautiful... we had some very passionate exchanges in verse and it was fun while it lasted, but we both knew it was impossible with him in florida and me here... We still keep in touch from time to time though. :)

It was a passionately overpowering and incredibly beautiful experience.
Philly said: love with someone online?

what do you guys think?

just looking for some feedback is all

thanx :swing:
Reply is a little late... but anyway...

I think it would have to be a fake synthesised love, it may SEEM like true love... but once logic has set in... it isn't :)

But then again, in most cases of love, if you ever let logic set in, you'll fall out of love just as soon as you fell for it :) *shrugs* ... *is oddly optimistic and pessimistic*

As for where I've been hiding... *points at a big pile of books* :)

I is be having to be studing... *grumbles* ;)
hi vortex! :wave:

i'm gonna have to agree with whoever said you can fall in love with someone's online personality [i[online[/i]. i would further reason that most people's personality varies enough by venue to make them very different people. i often notice a difference in my interaction with friends from the internet and RL, not in a bad way, just different.

I guess what I'm agreeing with is that you can't love a person until you know them personally.