Is this bar open 24/7 ?


New Member
Hi, I'm new here, who am I ? Well I'm a dedicated beer drinking computer user, I waste countless hours playing computer games, drinking beer and chilling out, do I think that's a waste of time ? Hell No :D
Beer sucks :headbang:

Welcome to OTC. The Town Hall is short for "The 'fury, this broke' Forum", The Lobby is the forum for introductions and welcomes and post count congrats, the Kiddie Korner is for useless threads, L&L is for arguing against veganists, Entertainment is for posting what music you're listening to, Science/Technology is self explanatory, The Real World is NOT for personal attacks and flames, and the Lunatic Lounge is... um... nevermind. :retard:
BeerMat said:
Hi, I'm new here, who am I ? Well I'm a dedicated beer drinking computer user, I waste countless hours playing computer games, drinking beer and chilling out, do I think that's a waste of time ? Hell No :D

Welcome. Are you a guy or a girl? ;)
Na's gonna be on you like white on rice...BEER is the magic word ;)

Me? I like Smirnoff Coolers :cool:
oh wait.. this isn't about me... there I go again. :rolleyes:

;) Welcome to the boards, everyone here is really wierd but me.
Thanks for the welcome...

...looking forward to downing a few cold ones and getting to know the regulars :toast:

*stands up*
I'm Luis and I'm weird. :D
*sits down*
*everyone claps*

once you give up drinking, it's never quite the same

even if i were to drink again, it wouldn't be any fun like it once was. there is a guilt factor about going off the wagon. i couldn't see myself doing it again.
LastLegionary said:
Not everyone in the world feel the need to drink you know... :)

LL, Bubba used to drink a lot of beer daily, hence my surprise.