It is official!!!


Staff member
Last night I was joking with the guy I am seeing about how I want his family to adpot me because they all have laptops and then i would get one too. Then he was like "But then I would be going out with my sister!!!"

*all excited*

*dances around*

You better hope he doesn't come in here and see what you did to me with that whip. :D
No, no pics kuu. I wanted to take pics last time I saw him for my roomies to see but he said he wasn't looking his best (looked pretty damn good to me and I told him that). he is suppose to come here on sunday. If he does I will get some then for sure.

Thanks everybody :hug:
no, i dance because he said we are GOING OUT and all my sources tell me that ALWAYS means bf and gf

I will give you a lapdance for a top though :brow:
She wants a nice sexy top....not the top of the can of green beans you opened for dinner.:p :D
Just seeing how much I am worth to him! :D

I could never wear something that expensive. I woudl be afraid to sit down :eek: