It's not Gonz's fault, it's his brain.


Too cute for words
Tests Suggest Some Predisposed to Smoke

34 minutes ago


WASHINGTON - If you're easy to anger, you might have a brain especially susceptible to nicotine. Scientists using powerful scanners have documented nicotine triggering dramatic bursts of activity in certain brain areas _ but only in people prone to anger and aggression, not more cheerful, relaxed types.

So light up if you have to buddy. :D

finally a valid excuse to smoke, I say we make it a handicap, then If they tell me not to smoke at my desk, I can sue them, for infriging on my rights!

"excuse me, can you put that out"

"you insensative BASTARD, can't you see I have special needs"

hey, if it is a handicap, the goverment has to pay for my smokes too

this rocks!
paul_valaru said:
finally a valid excuse to smoke, I say we make it a handicap, then If they tell me not to smoke at my desk, I can sue them, for infriging on my rights!

"excuse me, can you put that out"

"you insensative BASTARD, can't you see I have special needs"

hey, if it is a handicap, the goverment has to pay for my smokes too

this rocks!
Oh no, I've created a monster! :rofl:
paul_valaru said:
finally a valid excuse to smoke, I say we make it a handicap, then If they tell me not to smoke at my desk, I can sue them, for infriging on my rights!

"excuse me, can you put that out"

"you insensative BASTARD, can't you see I have special needs"

hey, if it is a handicap, the goverment has to pay for my smokes too

this rocks!
oh're handicapped....but it ain't your smokin' ;)
Dramatic bursts of activity huh?........First time for everything.

*lights another cig*
Professur said:
I was easy to anger before too.

Kindly tell me...what is it about Psychology, Psychiatry and Social Studies that ticks you off so much? Anytime anyone mentions anything coming out of those three sciences...all we get is 'quack, quack, quack' -

What gives? Some sort of traumatic experience as a child with a psychologist?
Actually, it would be my total disgust at their lack of agression. It can't possibly be anyone's fault. It's either a syndrome, a disease, or society's fault. Not that the person is just plain an asshole, an idiot, or hasn't the backbone of a snail. Just admit that the person is at fault for his/her own failings. Then help them deal with that.

Look, he can't stop drinking. It's not his fault. It's a disease.
Look, he can't stop smoking. It's genetic.
Look, he's a moron. It's the school's fault.

Gimme a fucking break.
Professur said:
Look, he's a moron. It's the school's fault.

Well, at least here the schools need a lot of improvement, but most of 'em would still be morons.
Professur said:
Actually, it would be my total disgust at their lack of agression. It can't possibly be anyone's fault. It's either a syndrome, a disease, or society's fault. Not that the person is just plain an asshole, an idiot, or hasn't the backbone of a snail. Just admit that the person is at fault for his/her own failings. Then help them deal with that.

Question: How did so-and-so become an asshole? Can't be a mental illness, can't be upbringing, can't be friends, can't be it destiny? They weren't born an asshole...maybe they were (it's heriditary)...nah. So ??? What did it? What flipped the switch?

Professur said:
Look, he can't stop drinking. It's not his fault. It's a disease.
Look, he can't stop smoking. It's genetic.
Look, he's a moron. It's the school's fault.

Gimme a fucking break.

You're thinking PC, not psychology or psychiatry for that matter. If this study says that someone who has a short temper is more likely to get addicted to smoking...they aren't saying "Poor him...let him's a disease"...what they're saying is "Look...we're that much closer to understanding addiction and how it works in the brain...and one day, once we understand it enough...we can come up with something to reduce addiction to chemicals etc, and maybe cure it or reverse its effects one day"

Frankly...I like the way this research is going. Imagine finding the link between cocaine addiction and the brain..then making a pill that will make it easier to quit cocaine. How about a pill to make pain-killers non-adictive (so that poor schmos with a lower-back injury won't find themselves inadvertantly addicted to pain-killers).

BTW... a few things that you don't seem to get about psychology...first of all. The main goal is the understanding of the problem by the patient so that s/he can take ownership (admit it to themselves) and part two is then helping them deal/cope with it....exactly what you just asked for.

As for fault...that works great if everyone was living in a bubble with no-one around and no interraction with other humans....but we don't live in little bubbles. We live in families, in neighbourhoods, in countries, at work etc...surrounded by people, all day, from the day we're born to the day we die. If you think, even for one instant, that the way others treat us or treated us in the past has nothing to do with how we act or react from one day to another...then you havn't the slightest idea of what you're talking about when it comes to psychology/psychiatry/sociology etc...and should just avoid the topic entirely.

...frankly..."quack, quack, quack" ain't helping put any light on the topic and you're wasting our and your time.
Professur said:
Actually, it would be my total disgust at their lack of agression. It can't possibly be anyone's fault. It's either a syndrome, a disease, or society's fault. Not that the person is just plain an asshole, an idiot, or hasn't the backbone of a snail. Just admit that the person is at fault for his/her own failings. Then help them deal with that.

Look, he can't stop drinking. It's not his fault. It's a disease.
Look, he can't stop smoking. It's genetic.
Look, he's a moron. It's the school's fault.

Gimme a fucking break.

Have to agree with deBish on this one Prof, a good psychologist isn't afraid to tell you that you are being an asshole, and if you really want everyone to quit thinking you are an asshole, it might be a good idea for you to stop acting like one. You may have seen and heard about psychologists and psychiatrists on TV and in the news, but that isn't how they all are, actually, the ones you see on TV and hear about in the news are usually the exceptions, not the rule.
And I have to agree with Prof. Some people need psychiatric help, but the vast majority just don't want to take responsibility for their own decisions.
After the better part of two months I can finally say I'm a non-smoker. The constant draw (less than cravings) has withered away.

I do miss smoking though. I enjoyed it.
Gonz said:
After the better part of two months I can finally say I'm a non-smoker. The constant draw (less than cravings) has withered away.

I do miss smoking though. I enjoyed it.

nobody likes a quitter :swing:

congratulations, I'm sure your lungs, and wallet feel much better for it
Wallet yes,'s winter & I try to avoid doing anything to upset the balance of chair & ass