Just bought a new tv

unclehobart said:
I think my Sony is one level lower than yours. Thats a 6.1? Got mine just before 6.1 came out...

It'll be a hella nice setup when you're done!! :headbang:
Its 6.1 ... and Im about friggin lost as to what needs to go where. I still need to set up the speakers, which will require that I borrow my buddys wirecutters. So I may be done for tonight. I have to scamper off for band practice in about an hour as it is and I still need to make dinner. I'm afraid to try and monkey it up too much until Comcast gets their butt out here on friday to hook up the broadband as it will require some shuffling of the wires once again.

I used all of the god cables that they said that I needed just for hooking up the DVD into the monitor itself. I do have an optical cable left over... and have no idea where it belongs.

I just don't need to muck with it until the Broadband gets here. I have basic cable and dvd right now all running through the monitor speaker set. Its pretty much the same setup I had when I woke up this morning when I was using the 19inch tube tv. Surround speakers are tommorrows project.
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Bah. That setup isn't so hard to master. :p
I'm sure it isn't. Its just that I need all of the components here at one time so that I can properly experiment.

Band practice was cancelled on me, so it looks like I get to start cutting wire tonight.
Aren't receivers fun?? I curse the day I installed surround sound fo rmy mother. Well, more so the day my brother decided it all needed to be changed around and I went home and there was no video from the DVD player but there was sound.

Oh, and nice TV...MEANIE! Rub it in our face! Where I live now we have a 13 inch TV and a VCR, that is all.
Nah. I had my mid life crisis at 14. I've been expecting to die ever since I was 28... but I'm too stubborn.

..and 94 feet of monster wire later...
yeah... by the time I cram the thing onto the rack and feed it all through the back plate, I won't be able to tell what goes to what. That kind of headache I don't need. I have to make at least ONE part of this ordeal simple.
I attached all of the speakers out here on the floor to make sure that its all hooked up properly. Success! Tested on the FM channel and preset a local rock and roll station. First song: Werwolves of London.
unclehobart said:
I attached all of the speakers out here on the floor to make sure that its all hooked up properly. Success! Tested on the FM channel and preset a local rock and roll station. First song: Werwolves of London.
ah-wooooooooooooo!!! :D
I'm scampering back off to the store to by some more cabling and 30 more feet of the 14g wire I'm using for the speakers. The 100ft roll only was enough for 5 of the 6 speakers. That and I need to get a peek at the back of the floor model to see how they've wired it up for max benefit. The sales staff will be hating me by the time I leave.
unclehobart said:
I'm scampering back off to the store to by some more cabling and 30 more feet of the 14g wire I'm using for the speakers. The 100ft roll only was enough for 5 of the 6 speakers. That and I need to get a peek at the back of the floor model to see how they've wired it up for max benefit. The sales staff will be hating me by the time I leave.

Or fighting for the sale...;)
My dad is better at fighting for the sales. Hes awesome. He just does the Jedi mind trick and the proce keeps dropping and dropping. I was with him when he bought his new tv. I saw him wave his hand at the salesman and go 'I will not pay this price'. The salesman was beset with a blank stare and said 'you will not pay this price'. The price came down. He did this like 3 times and the price of his 5800$ tv dropped to 3200$. I was blown away just watching it happen.
ok... im back. I have more wire for which to do the last speaker as well as complete the full link for when the broadband decoder gets here tomorrow. Lets see if this makes sense. HDTV decoder box feeds to the DVD player with an optical cable and a PBY video feed. The DVD is then routed to the reciever with an optical cable and a PBY video feed. The receiver is then hooked into the monitor with just a PBY video feed. After that, its a matter of running through 50 setup checklists and spreading the speakers out and zip-tieing the speaker bundles
I'm not seeing any sort of input on your DVD player, and I'm also not seeing an optical input labeled "DVD" on the back of the receiver. Luckily, the receiver had a coaxial input labeled "DVD" and the DVD player has a digital coaxial output. So I would think you'd want to use that for the audio (which would, of course, need another cable) and hook the HDTV decoder into the "video 2" digital input and "video 2" PBY input on the receiver. Then, when you want to watch TV, switch the receiver to "wideo 2" and when you want to watch a DVD, switch it to "DVD."