*knock knock knock*

I've been in idle mode lately, it seems like I have nothing at all to tell.
Don't *peek*, *post*.

If it's boring, post something to liven it up.

Too busy to post?

Idle hands are the devils work (someting like that). Post, then the devil will be kept at bay.
I've come to realize that nothing I post here is going to improve my overall life...when life is good do I want ot share that with you guys? Yes...when I have a problem do I value the input of most of you? yes...is there anything I can post here that will inturn make my life better? nope...
Wrong, my connection is too slow to watch YouTube videos...I need to switch to primus...

Actually, I searched for Fran watched a couple of vids and one of those linked to that one. In all honestly the caption caught my attention, but the clip is funny nonetheless :D
I've pulled a Prof with some old threads...I've done my part...I'm going to bed now...
Been busy ---- not sure doing what, but, damn, the days just fly by.

We've had a lot of rain since Janurary, with more coming, that I've already had to mow the pasture TWICE ! ! Last year, it was June before I did the first cut.
I've been doing nothing in particular. Just sporadic appearances on the internet, moving a site here and there. Working my ass off at school, and failing generally, but at least I know some stuff.
Been busy ---- not sure doing what, but, damn, the days just fly by.

We've had a lot of rain since Janurary, with more coming, that I've already had to mow the pasture TWICE ! ! Last year, it was June before I did the first cut.

Buy a few sheep...:devious:
You fucking hypocrite. She has sheep on her lawn, and it's to save mowing. I've got sheep on mine, and everyone asks what time the orgy's at.

fuck you.