Lets have fun

Further smother. Nixy, I'm awful tempted to drag your ass south with me, just so that you and Rob can share the punishment.
Slim Pickens said:
Hey! Don't be beatin' up on my Baby D...Baby Step...Baby positive male role model!

I dunno how positive a role model he is if he spends his days picking his nose :lloyd:
Professur said:
I think you use the ones you've got overly as is.

I think I really only have control over how often I use two of them (one of those being my mouth..FOR TALKING YOU FOOLS)...
Professur said:
Further smother. Nixy, I'm awful tempted to drag your ass south with me, just so that you and Rob can share the punishment.

What's the punishment? Does it involve ice cream?
Ok I think 43 hits in one damn thread is sufficient. Excessive. Abusive.

Sam, would you please fix the karma so that I can turn it off.
Professur said:
Ok I think 43 hits in one damn thread is sufficient. Excessive. Abusive.

Sam, would you please fix the karma so that I can turn it off.

I'm thinkin' no :p
Professur said:
Ok I think 43 hits in one damn thread is sufficient. Excessive. Abusive.

Sam, would you please fix the karma so that I can turn it off.

You went and showed your gooey marshmallow centre and now we all love you and there's nothing you can do about it :shrug:
Nixy said:
You went and showed your gooey marshmallow centre and now we all love you and there's nothing you can do about it :shrug:

Keep that shit up, and I'll be seeing in detail all the gooey stuff I have inside. *puke*
Luis G said:
give unc negative karma??? :p

thats not fun. he wants the negative karma. we must act like a bunch of silly school kids and torture someone with something they dont want. :devious: