loose change


Well-Known Member
So do you agree with the claims that the US government played some role in the events of 9-11-01, by either planting explosives in the WTC buildings and Pentagon, using military aircraft to shoot missiles into them, or by having prior knowledge of the plan to hijack and ram airliners into the WTC and Pentagon and letting it happen?


Well-Known Member
I agree that the findings shown in this video, and in several places online and off, seem to show a lack of evidence for the 'accepted' story.

I seem to recall a rather lengthy discussion re: the Pentagon incident and how none of the video/images shown of the incident at the time showed any sign of an airplane of that size striking the Pentagon. Still doesn't. :shrug:

Anyone up for a point-by-point discussion of what the video brings up?


Too cute for words
many eyewitnesses saw a plane crash into the Pentagon
the passenger and crew remains from American Airlines flight 77 were recovered at the Pentagon crash site
eyewitness reports and photographs show plane debris at the Pentagon crash site
passengers on American Airlines flight 77 made phone calls, reporting their aircraft had been hijacked
senior Al Qaeda leaders have admitted they conducted the September 11 attacks.

Boeing commercial aircraft can not be remotely controlled
passengers on both flights that attacked the World Trade Center made phone calls, reporting that their aircraft had been hijacked
senior Al Qaeda leaders have admitted they conducted the September 11 attacks.

Apply Occam's Razor.


molṑn labé
Staff member
You're right. My opinion of this rubbish is sooooo much less valuable than your opinion of this rubbish.


New Member
You're opinion has no rational behind it. "It's all rubbish" is blanket denial and worthless. If you actually have a point to make about the evidence I'd love to hear it.