loose change

Interesting video. Just watching one of the towers fall looks very odd considering where the damage was.

I doubt you'll get much rational discussion on about this here though.
Spoiler The Illuminati did it & will now continue on their world conquest through globalization
looks interesting. unfortunatly it is also almost 1.5 hours long. i'll have to watch the rest later.
The term “official 9/11 account” refers to the account of the events of Sept. 11, 2001, as presented in June 2004 by the Commission of Inquiry appointed by President George W. Bush, and complemented by other official documents issued by US government agencies. This account includes various details, such as identities of the alleged hijackers, identities of aircraft, timelines and other data used to prove that the crime of 9/11 was perpetrated by the named individuals under the orders or the inspiration of Osama bin Laden and other al Qaeda leaders.

It can be demonstrated by two straightforward mathematical techniques that the official acccount on 9/11 is simply not true.

The first method uses boolean algebra. The other method is based on probability theory.

All this stuff has been floating around since shortly after 9/11. Hey, Charlie Sheen believes it.

OTOH, if you thought the government wasn't up to doing it, you'd be a fool.
Experts conclude Vice President possessed foreknowledge and suggest Moussaoui trial a "distraction".

Duluth, MN (PRWEB) March 13, 2006 -- A society of experts and scholars contends that the prosecution of Zacarias Moussaoui -- for willfully concealing advance knowledge of the events of 9/11 -- has the status of a Soviet-style "show trial" and functions as a diversion from the real culprits. The nonpartisan group, Scholars for 9/11 Truth, asserts that the evidence implicating Vice President Dick Cheney of that very offense is more obvious and compelling. If they are even remotely correct, then the alleged terrorists appear to have been cast in the role of "patsies."

The experts base their conclusion on testimony presented to the 9/11 Commission by U.S. Secretary of Transportation Norman Mineta on May 23, 2003, which was omitted from its final report, and on related events at the Pentagon. Members of the society will present their findings during a press conference to be held at 1 PM on Tuesday at the United States Courthouse in Alexandria, VA, the location of a trial to determine whether Moussaoui, who is called "the 20th hijacker", should serve a life term or receive the death sentence.

"Mineta's testimony is devastating," observed James H. Fetzer, Ph.D., McKnight Professor at the University of Minnesota. Fetzer is the founder and co-chair of the scholars' society, which recently joined with Judicial Watch in calling for release of documents, films and videos, and physical evidence withheld from the public by the administration. "It pulls the plug on the Commission's contention there was no advance warning that the Pentagon was going to be hit."

chcr said:
OTOH, if you thought the government wasn't up to doing it, you'd be a fool.

Either they're

A)imbecilic twits without the forethought to stop these tragedies or they're B)evil dictatorial wannbes with world domination fantasies.

I'll take A for $1000, Alex.
I still say that the almost freefall speed of the WTC towers is only possible if there are explosives strategically placed along the buildings' structures.
The fact that they stood long enough, after having a major airliner full of fuel crash into them at near top speed, for nearly all the inhabitants to escape with their lives goes one hell of a long way to exposing what a spectacular engineering marvel these buildings were.
There is suppose to be a final version, which will be released in theaters sometime this year.

So, this documentary is going get a lot more attention than it is now.
just finished watching the entire video. they do pose some interesting questions but i still find it very difficult to believe that the government is capable of pulling something off of that scale successfully. a small handful of government people couldnt keep a simple B&E under wraps but this government is capable of destroying several buildings and planes for alledged personal profits that would amount into billions. i dont buy it.
i still find it very difficult to believe that the government is capable of pulling something off of that scale successfully. a small handful of government people couldnt keep a simple B&E under wraps but this government is capable of destroying several buildings and planes for alledged personal profits that would amount into billions. i dont buy it.

Maybe the answer to the government being able to pull this off is that they can't. They tried and have been exposed due to films like this. Spread the news.

I just watched the video twice and there is just heaps upon mountains of compelling evidence throughout. Fascinating, I watched it once and then had my girlfriend come watch it.

If this makes it to theaters the government has officially not pulled it off, there will be repurcussions, things will swing more towards freedom, and that's what you hope for.
just like they've been exposed as faking the lunar landing and being responsible for JFK's asassination?
I don't know about those but I think now it's harder to fake things than in the past. Somebody has a camera rolling way more often.

You're not categorically denying all that evidence are you?
harder? are you kidding? they didnt have photoshop or CGI in the 60's. ever see that picture of the guy on top of the WTC with the plane in the background?
i'm not categorically denying "all the evidence". it did make me question a couple of things, most notable being the pentagon attack.
overall i found it to have broad suppositions with a lack of correlating scientific/forensic evidence.