Luis is back online

Luis G

Staff member
Yesterday the puter started to smell like burning, i turn it off (as suggested in fury's sig :D )

I opened the case, started to track the smell, it wasn't any, i thought it was the monitor, no, speakers, no......nothing was wront. I even checked the wall plug and it was fine.

So i turn on the PC again, and it starts to smell. I turn it off, and then i felt that the PSU was very hot. I removed it, opened it, and zero, nothing was wrong, so i decided to turn the puter on while the PSU was open, and then i noticed that the fan was not working properly, sometimes it stopped and when it spinned it was at about 100rpm or less.

Today i bought a new PSU fan, put it on, and voila.

The only bad thing is that this fan is very noisy.
Matters not.. just so long as it keeps that sucka alive. I've an open case dualie with 4 fans in it right next to my head. Its pretty darn loud.
run the fan at 7V, feel the psu, if it dosen't get too warm it should be ok and fairly quieter to boot.

7V mod

+12 to +12 of the fan
+5 to neutral of the fan
aye.. cpu fan on my xp screans at 6800 rpm (60mm) and is probably the loudest fan around, plan to do 7v mod, slow that sucker down to 4500 maybe. cpu runs at 28-30°C not under load
gah, i remember my Delta 60mm 7000rpm days, nice novelty, but definetly did not last long, very bearable at 7V, my 80mm 65CFM delta runs about 5000rpm at 12V, kills the 60mm for noise anyday, the scream is wayyyy more bassy, luckily it is as quiet as any regular 80mm when its at 5v and actually cools much better, along with my AX-7 Sink.
i had a 7000 rpm fan on my comp and put up with it for about 6 months. it drove me crazy listening to the tornado sound.
i don't know how fast this fan is, but it sounds like one of those big fans you use when the weather is hot.
Justintime said:
+12 to +12 of the fan
+5 to neutral of the fan

Ok, the fan I have takes 12v, so i leave the positive, but where do I get the +5 from?
The connectors for the drives? Just splice into one of them?

You sure this isn't going to fry my whole shitten thing?
in general, i don't like to splice into wires in the computer. it's not the idea of ruining it but it is tacky. your fan came with bare wires? did you get it from a computer store? most fans have either a 3 pin or a 4 pin connector.
lol, it should not, but theres an issue with a veryy verry few psus not liking the 7v idea, but the majority are fine with it. you can splice it or use a male molex (or female? dunno, the opposite) and splice that to save the psu wires being cut into, i've never had an issue with this mod.
s4, it's got a 3 pin connector on it now, 1 +, 1 -, and 1 for the sensor, I assume. Justin, do you think the sensor will still work as long as I just change the - wire?
some sensors don't some do, weird, keep the sensor wire ( should be the yellow from the fan end) onto the normal sensor pin, it should work, remember don't use the +12 from the mobo, use both +12 and +5 from off the psu.
Ok, use them from the same molex? I guess that would be safest. I've got an extra 350W power supply at home if I do screw it up, I'll give it a try, cause I've got a Thermaltake Dragon Orb 3 that screams like a jet engine. I would love to have some relief, and my wife will be thrilled.
yes, same molex to avoid confusion, i detest loud fans, always gives me a headache, and in most situations at 7V it cools quite fine with like an almost 40% noise reduction.
I prefer to hear my fan on my main system, tells me it's working :headbang:

although not NEARLY as loud as a Delta Screamer™, it's certainly noticeable (it's a Globalwin Whiner™, a 60mm at 4500)

I may try to build a quiet system for the hell of it eventually (based on a Celeron 566@850; the heatsink it came with is pretty quiet) but for now I like to hear my fan from anywhere in the house. :headbang:
The fan is inside the PSU, i'm too lazy to take out the PSU, open it and cut the yellow wire. However it is good to know the mod, i might do it in the future if i can't get used to the noise.