Name a movie that you've seen, that you wish that others would see but ...


Well-Known Member
...for whatever're sure that they havn't.

FOr me...that'd be "The Decline of the American Empire" - it's filmed in Quebec (montreal) and has frnech's sub-titled in English though. It is by and far, the best film on modern relationships, sex, cheating and love that I've ever seen.

Another flick "Torch-song Trilogy" - gay black comedy/drama excellent flick...really touching

Another flick "French Kiss" - didn't sell out well at the theaters, but funny as hell...bring your colostomy'll pee yourself.
Buttcrackdivine said:
Wait till you see her full nude in Le Libertin....unless you have then i envy you.

I have that movie in my collection - you may now officially envy me. :p

The dialogue is in French, though. Me no parlez Francais, but it's easy to see what's going on in the film . . . decadence! :banana2:

And yes, she has bodacious ta-tas. :grinyes:
Sharky said:
I have that movie in my collection - you may now officially envy me. :p

The dialogue is in French, though. Me no parlez Francais, but it's easy to see what's going on in the film . . . decadence! :banana2:

And yes, she has bodacious ta-tas. :grinyes:

Fuck you and fuck you and oh also fuck you :D
Buttcrackdivine said:
You must give me that movie, no way to find it here.

I found my copy on eBay. You can have it if you would like, there aren't many movies I'll watch twice (except Body Heat, Full Metal Jacket, Final Fantasy, or Pulp Fiction).
Sharky said:
I found my copy on eBay. You can have it if you would like, there aren't many movies I'll watch twice (except Body Heat, Full Metal Jacket, Final Fantasy, or Pulp Fiction).

Don't be coy with me good sir......too bad i am broke....fuck financial ruining.
i highly recommend a joint and the watching of spaceballs! undercover brother is hysterical if you can handle the racial slurs, some are sensitive this way. i love tombstone. silence of the lambs. fish called wanda- if you have not seen this, shame on you. it is one of the funniest movies i have ever seen.
Buttcrackdivine said:
Don't be coy with me good sir......too bad i am broke....fuck financial ruining.

This one's on the house - I'm serious, if you would like to have it, PM a mailing address and I will send it to you. :bgtup:
oh! i forgot to extoll the virtues of WET, HOT, AMERICAN SUMMER. god, this movie is funny. i don't know why it's not more well known, i never heard about it until it came on the premium channels, but it is definitely on my favorites list. and road trip. road trip is too funny.
Breaking the Waves good indie film
Princess Mononoke
Akira I just want Kaneda's bike
The Villain one of the best western parodies along with Blazing Saddles
Ninja Scroll
Vampire Hunter D
Yeah, I know some of these are pretty well known.
Santa Claus Conquers the Martians just because it's worse than Plan 9 from Outer Space
"Torch-song Trilogy"
What an excellent film.

*61 (It's the baseball playoffs after all, but an interesting film even if you don't like baseball, I think)
Metropolis (the original)
Last of the Blond Bombshells (great movie, but no one seems to have heard of it)

I love movies and could go on and on.