Name a movie that you've seen, that you wish that others would see but ...

Favourite disney film? One of our Dinosaurs is Missing :D
Although I'm very interested in the animation they are completing based on Salvidor Dali's work.

Quadrophenia (story of mods and rockers in 60's england, with a brilliant soundtrack)
The Wall
History of the World ptII
2001: A Space Odessy
YellowBeard (a terry gillingham kids movie.....hilarious)
Time Bandits
Near Dark
Any animated movie based on the terry pratchett books :D
Enemy Mine
Enemy Beyond the Gate
tonks said:
rose, the book is good. 4 stories...named something about seasons....also has stand by me, some nazi story, and.......i forget...but it's definitely a good read.
i read that stephen king book in high school

its called different seasons
I'm amazed ansd surprised that the following two havn't made it on here yet.

Bladerunner - best cinematograophy!

Top Secret - funny in an "Airplane" kinda it!

Hmmm... Monty Python and the Holy Grail! or any other MP flick for that matter
MrBishop said:
I'm amazed ansd surprised that the following two havn't made it on here yet.

Bladerunner - best cinematograophy!

Top Secret - funny in an "Airplane" kinda it!

Hmmm... Monty Python and the Holy Grail! or any other MP flick for that matter

Bladerunner, The holy Grail and Highlander are some of my favs but I figure pretty much everyone has seen them...

Fav disney film? Probably a toss-up between Tarzan and Hercules at the moment, though I do have a soft spot for Mulan.
relatively new release, saw it back in August:

Dirty Pretty Things directed by Stephen Frears is a brilliant crime thriller with a conscience. It was moving, gut wrenching, and one of the best films I've seen this year...
Ms Ann Thrope (re 2001) said:
This is something that should only be seen as a flim
Absolutely. It's simply not the same movie if you don't see it on the big screen.

Re "Nashville": What a good movie! I forgot it. I got more leg singing "I'm Easy"...
Alegro non Troppo - it's a cartoon based on Classical Music. The cut scenes with the musicians (people taken from a Russina Gulag and dragged into a theater and given musical instruments to play...all under a whip) and the Unemployed cartoonist (Sitting at a drafting table, wearing a tux and looking rather haggard himself. The S&M conductor etc...

The toons themselves are hilarious!

Ps. Alegro non troppo mean "Don't step on the grass"
Great movie, MrBishop! Satire of Fantasia, I think? (which would be my favorite Disney, and the beginning of my love of classical music) :D
I doubt that these are at all new to most, but they're some of my favourites:

Citizen Kane
Shawshank Redemption
Usual Suspects
Bridge on the River Kwai
Apocolypse Now
Lawrence of Arabia
The Dirty Dozen
Ben Hur
Born Free
All about Eve
Bonnie and Clyde
An American Werewolf in Paris (call me crazy)
Dr Strangelove
The Graduate
Midnight Cowboy
North by Northwest
The Birds
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
Raging Bull
Rebel Without A Cause
Schindler's List
Taxi Driver
Some Like It Hot
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
Close Encounters of the Third Kind
Cool Hand Luke
The Exorcist
Indiana Jones (Raiders of the Lost Ark)
The Postman Always Rings Twice
Rosemary's Baby
Donnie Darko
7 Samurai
AlphaTroll said:
I doubt that these are at all new to most, but they're some of my favourites:

Citizen Kane
Shawshank Redemption
Usual Suspects
Bridge on the River Kwai
Apocolypse Now
Lawrence of Arabia
The Dirty Dozen
Ben Hur
Born Free
All about Eve
Bonnie and Clyde
An American Werewolf in Paris (call me crazy)
Dr Strangelove
The Graduate
Midnight Cowboy
North by Northwest
The Birds
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
Raging Bull
Rebel Without A Cause
Schindler's List
Taxi Driver
Some Like It Hot
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
Close Encounters of the Third Kind
Cool Hand Luke
The Exorcist
Indiana Jones (Raiders of the Lost Ark)
The Postman Always Rings Twice
Rosemary's Baby
Donnie Darko
7 Samurai

The Colour Purple
The Royal Tenenbaums
Citizen Kane
Texas Chainsaw Massacre (the original)

Favorite disney movie: Debbie Does Donnald
AlphaTroll said:
I doubt that these are at all new to most, but they're some of my favourites:

Citizen Kane
Shawshank Redemption
Usual Suspects
Bridge on the River Kwai
Apocolypse Now
Lawrence of Arabia
The Dirty Dozen
Ben Hur
Born Free
All about Eve
Bonnie and Clyde
An American Werewolf in Paris (call me crazy)
Dr Strangelove
The Graduate
Midnight Cowboy
North by Northwest
The Birds
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
Raging Bull
Rebel Without A Cause
Schindler's List
Taxi Driver
Some Like It Hot
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
Close Encounters of the Third Kind
Cool Hand Luke
The Exorcist
Indiana Jones (Raiders of the Lost Ark)
The Postman Always Rings Twice
Rosemary's Baby
Donnie Darko
7 Samurai

:headbang: good choices
How about a blast from the past? I wonder how many people have actually seen Charlie Chaplin's The Gold Rush. It's absolutely hysterical. :D