no surprise here.

1. can't beat the church on ideas? you mean like the sun rotating the earth? LMAO.

2. "take over from the inside?" yeah, nice one. it's the gays taking over. according to their insidious plan. the children come next. or wait they already did! right over there in the rectory basement.

thanks man now i don't have to watch cartoons this morning.
1. That is like saying you shit yourself because it happened long ago.

2. Like any bureaucracy, it's the peons that are truly in charge
1. WHAT?
2. awww, you don't like pencil pushers telling you what to do, do ya big boy? (someday you will realize you are truly a UAW guy at heart.)

Pencil pushers are idiots. and all the UAW members I've met are morons.
So, you're half right
Pencil pushers are idiots. and all the UAW members I've met are morons.
So, you're half right

yeah it's everybody other than you that is the problem. LMAO.

but why reject your UAW brothers? you are so exactly like them in so many ways... the petty resentment of those who tell them what to do, the "experts know nothin'" bullshit (try that on your doctor, BTW), the vile recalcitrance, the blaming of others for everything... you really gotta embrace your true self buddy. it's right there on that union card you signed.
Try that one on my doctor....ok, I did. He agreed with my assessment.

Tell me what needs to be done. I'll do it. Don't tell me after I've done it,
successfully, that it now needs to be done some "safer" way, some "kinder"
way, some "greener" way. Either let me do it or find someone else.

I'm still here
yeah see it's the "let me do it" thing. not so perky from an HR perspective. doesn't really sound like you want to do it well, but that you just want to be left to alone to muddle through it. no passion. no flair. if i saw that attitude in someone i was interviewing, they would be sucking bricks immediately. or right after we finished our lattes. maybe i'd entertain them a bit longer if'n they's was a hot chick, but, ya know, that ain't you.

obviously i'm joking, but, i do think you might need some shrim.

When asked the standard prerequisite version of "what's the worst part of your job" I answer,
Management. Tell me what you need, then get out of the way. I don't need meetings, emails,
phone calls, get-togethers or what-the-fuck-ever-else. My job is to get the job done. Not to
talk about it. If something changes, let me know. If I'm not doing something right, let me know,
just don't carry on about it.

Muddle through, huh? I'm always in the top 5% of producers in my job & always in the top 2%
for efficiency. I don't need my back slapped nor my hand held. I also don't cry over things when
it gets fugly. I am a producer. You can go have your latte. I'll be done, and gone, when you get back.
ah hah so it's Gonz and Gato and all the other people that actually work for a living that are at fault
and not the blood suckin' leeches in Washington lead by a community organizer that has never turned a profit in his life?

Thanks for your wonderful 'business' analysis Mr Consultant Man see the girl at the reception desk on the way out for your check.
As for an employee that can't come up with ways to improve MY profit margin
or take direction to accomplish that goal, I say:


the only purpose for employing anyone is to increase profits!
hah. i'm sure you're a hardworking honest kind of guy gonz. you just kinda come off like a barrel full of grumpy. cooperation is the key. the company mission is gleaming in your mind.

So a rant on Fags ruining the Church has devolved into chastising Gonz's lack of respect for authority?
If the klowns in the front office are a buncha shit fuckers then they are all wrong no matter what!

When they earn respect, they get it. Not before. A simple act of cordiality is enough until then.

Barrel full of grumpy? Yea, that's what forced tolerance & unequal teamwork, over 35 years, has done to me.
okay winky. chug chug. i'm now going to hose off my monthly outbreak.

have either of you been in a work/business situation where everyone around you was resoundingly competent?
Yea, once. For 10 years, It was amazing. Things got done & we didn't need a babysitter