Obama Supporter Blagojevich (D-IL) Arrested


Well-Known Member
sometimes it's nice when i don't log in and get to view gems like this one:

I'm sure that if I were to attempt to discuss this with Mr. Emanuel that he would be "unavailable".


"yes, mr emanuel, there is a random internet know it all on line three. would you like to speak with it?"



Frank Probity

New Member
You chose to ignore this: "Obama clearly stated that he, nor any member of his staff had spoken to Blago about the seat."

You see, therein lies the problem. I am not choosing to ignore anything. Obviously, you have overlooked or chosen to spurn the inquiry.

Jimpeel posted a quote, "Obama clearly stated that he nor any member of his staff had spoken to Blago about the seat."

All of the points and other responses are non-productive in responding to the question asked, so, I'll try again. What is your source verifying: "Obama clearly stated he nor any member of his staff had spoken to Blago about the seat."

Previous response has been read and duly noted, with gratitude, and it is not necessary to offer numerous other quotations in reply. A simple response directly answering the question will be appreciated. Thank you. :)


Well-Known Member
I'm sure that if I were to attempt to discuss this with Mr. Emanuel that he would be "unavailable".

So Emanuel is working independently, and without the knowledge, of the soon-to-be President of the United States; and this does not concern you? It concerns us here in the United States.

How is this not different than the accusations for the last eight years that Cheney was pulling Bush's strings? Is Emanuel pulling Obama's strings? Who is running this thing anyway?
It's not Obama's choice to make..it's Blago's. Emmanuel is pulling Blago's strings, not Obama's
If Emmanuel is trying to influence Blago by giving him choices of who he considers a good choice, that's one thing...and legal.
If Emmanuel is offering Blago money..then he's complicit and there's an issue.


Well-Known Member
You see, therein lies the problem. I am not choosing to ignore anything. Obviously, you have overlooked or chosen to spurn the inquiry.

Jimpeel posted a quote, "Obama clearly stated that he nor any member of his staff had spoken to Blago about the seat."

All of the points and other responses are non-productive in responding to the question asked, so, I'll try again. What is your source verifying: "Obama clearly stated he nor any member of his staff had spoken to Blago about the seat."

Previous response has been read and duly noted, with gratitude, and it is not necessary to offer numerous other quotations in reply. A simple response directly answering the question will be appreciated. Thank you. :)

HERE in his own voice

















If you need further examples, please feel free to contact me at your earliest convenience.



Frank Probity

New Member
Since this is my earliest convenience, I would like to ask, what was that supposed to mean? Are you just throwing mud against the wall and hoping it will stick?
Nowhere in any of those sources, did President-elect Obama make the statement attributed to him by jimpeel: "Obama clearly stated he nor any member of his staff had spoken to Blogo about his seat."

I listened and read each article with the greatest care and that statement is not voiced neither is it in print media. Actually, Obama says, "I have had no contact with the governor .... there have been no deals."

Unless you have something more substantive to back up the statement you offer as a quote, there is little option other than to figure your source does not exist and without it, there is no proof President-elect Obama could be deemed a liar.

Thank you for trying to prove your source. It was a valiant, although unproductive, effort.


Well-Known Member
Actually, what he said was:

"I have never spoken with the governor on this subject. I am confident that no representative of mine would have any part in any deals related to this seat."

Note that Emanuel stating "We would be most appreciative of your consideration of our suggestion for the replacement." would be a "deal". The "deal" would not have to be criminal in nature nor has it yet been suggested that there was any criminality involved in any contacts the Obama camp may have had with the governor.

"I want to gather all the facts about any staff contact that may have taken place," he said. "We'll have those in the next few days and we'll present them."

He did not specifically lay out what cooperation prosecutors had asked for from members of his team or how they were responding.

Obama added, "Our office had no involvement in any deal-making around my Senate seat - that, I'm absolutely certain of."

That was December 11 and today is December 19 and he has yet to "present them". How long does it take to ask the few people who would have such authority whether they had, or had not, spoken to the Illinois governor's office or the governor -- starting with the most obvious, Rahm Emanuel?


Well-Known Member

From the complaint:

During a wiretapped November 10 call, a frustrated and financially strapped Blagojevich referred to Obama as a "motherfucker" and said that he would not appoint an ally of the President-elect to the Senate vacancy if "I don't get anything." Referring to Obama, Blagojevich exclaimed, "Fuck him. For nothing? Fuck him." In a November 11 conversation, Blagojevich remarked that he knew Obama wanted Valerie Jarrett, a longtime confidante, to succeed him, "but they're not willing to give me anything except appreciation. Fuck them." Blagojevich, 51, and his chief of staff, John Harris, were arrested this morning on political corruption charges. While the affidavit does not specifically name the six prospective Senate candidates discussed by Blagojevic, Harris, and the governor's aides, it appears that several are easily identified. "Senate Candidate 1" is Jarrett.

So who stated that they would give him appreciation for Jarrett's appointment?

Frank Probity

New Member
So there was no statement: "Obama clearly stated he nor any member of his staff had spoken to Blogo about his seat."

As a suggestion only, it might not be a good idea to trust that informational source in the future if looking for reliability.

Thank you jimpeel, for setting the record straight.
As a bit of general information, the "thank you" part expressed is known as, appreciation. :)


Well-Known Member
So there was no statement: "Obama clearly stated he nor any member of his staff had spoken to Blogo about his seat."

As a suggestion only, it might not be a good idea to trust that informational source in the future if looking for reliability.

Thank you jimpeel, for setting the record straight.
As a bit of general information, the "thank you" part expressed is known as, appreciation. :)

Then we've got a deal?


Well-Known Member
The worst part of that bus is the dualies. The driver always spins the tires over the speedbumps.


He musta been driving THIS ONE.


Well-Known Member
So there was no statement: "Obama clearly stated he nor any member of his staff had spoken to Blogo about his seat."

Of course there was no such statement. No one ever made that comment but me, and that was in reference to what Obama has said about his never having spoken to Blagojevich on the subject of his open seat (True unless proven otherwise); and that no one in his camp had spoken to Blagojevich (Apparently not true as it seems Emanuel was in contact with Blagojevich). Why are you treating a comment I made as if it is a quote that was made by someone else?

As a suggestion only, it might not be a good idea to trust that informational source in the future if looking for reliability.

ABC? FoxNews? The Examiner? Tulsa News?


New Member
Jim, it might be worth noting that Emanuel is not part of Obama's staff yet.

Also, you seem to be grasping at sraws on this one.


molṑn labé
Staff member
You really should be discussing this with Rahm Emanuel instead of laying the tag "Liar" on Obama's shoulders.

If Rahm talked shop with Blago but didn't tell Obama then Obama's not lying.

The Buck Stops Here.

If the President doesn't, or can't control his Chief of Staff, them he's powerless.

Either he's a liar or a fool. Neither inspire confidence.

Frank Probity

New Member
It's certainly refreshing to see another person on our site who is unaware of how politics works. You & spike should hit it off marvelously.

Meantime, I'm still waiting for you to reward me by imparting a bit of your vast warehouse of knowledge on "how politics works." Since there is an expressed thought I am lacking in same, and it is my belief we can learn from others, and you give the impression there is something you wish to share, it would be appreciated. This request shouldn't be too difficult for someone as worldly and well informed on politics as the Gonz.
Or am I asking too much ? :)


Well-Known Member
"I will fight. I will fight. I will fight until I take my last breath. I have done nothing wrong."

CHICAGO – A combative Gov. Rod Blagojevich served notice Friday that he has no intention of quitting over his corruption arrest, declaring: "I will fight. I will fight. I will fight until I take my last breath. I have done nothing wrong." The forceful three-minute speech marked the first time the former amateur boxer directly addressed the allegations since his arrest 10 days earlier.

With it, he made it clear that removing him could be uglier and more drawn-out than anyone imagined just a week ago, when the governor's career appeared to be in its final hours and nearly the entire political establishment seemed to be holding a death watch.

"I'm not going to quit a job the people hired me to do because of false accusations and a political lynch mob," a composed and deliberate-sounding Blagojevich said at his downtown Chicago office building. He took no questions from reporters and immediately left the room after wishing his listeners, "Merry Christmas, happy holidays."

Thankyou, Santa!

You go, HotRod!
