Oh all right I give in.


New Member
But I'm taking it off in a wee while. Not havin pics of me floatin around the Web for all to play with!



fidisg.jpg, 16.16kb

I had to disguise my hideously deformed nose, Einstein eyebrows and profusion of excess facial hair... ;)
Gato_Solo said:
Looks like a person I knew at McChord AFB...except for the mask, of course...

Well, I do have a double somewhere...

*waits for Ris to go "Fna! Fna!"*
IPH, you're picture isn't funny.

That's what Chris Evans and Billy's kid is going to look like, dammit.
fi: I’ll never join you.

Chris Evans: If you only knew the power of the Ginger Side. Danny-Obi-Wanker-Baker never told you what happened to your father.

fi: He told me enough. He told me you killed him.

Chris Evans: No, I am your father.

fi: No, no, that’s not true. That’s impossible.

Chris Evans: Search your feelings, you know it to be true.

fi: Noooooooooo (tm).
* How come her moustace and beard aren't the same color as her hair?!? Has somebody been Photoshopping?

*In a mock outrage...[/siz]