Oh Canada

no, because the danger there is imminent and obvious.

seriously, consider taking a course in basic law. it might help you on your road to becoming a constitutional scholar.
I'll let Bish answer that question since he's our token Canadian on this board. :lol:

It's pretty elaborate: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hate_speech_laws_in_Canada
Even the Wiki Reader's Digest version is convoluted.

It's about inciting or trying to incite violence against a defined group (Yes, Jim...even white people are a group)...from simple beatings to genocide.

**Almost forgot. Not unlike the USA...the definition of the groups and defining factors that deleneate 'groups' change... in Quebec, f'r instance, Political leanings count.

So "All Liberals should be hung!" is a Hate Crime.
Canadian Law: Telling The Truth About Muslims is Hate Speech

Columnist and author Mark Steyn was charged with “hate speech” by the British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal for what it called “flagrant Islamaphobia” after excerpts of his best selling book on radical Islam were featured in a popular Canadian news magazine.

I’m willing to bet if Mark Steyn had written a book that said Jesus was an as*shole, and Christians are dangerous, there would be no trial.
that's cool i guess i can tell the truth about christians then, by pulling a bunch of "chilling quotes" from the hutaree website!

so, cerise, what is the truth about muslims? i'd really love to hear it in your own words, if that isn't too inconvenient.
I believe if you look at that quote closely it reveals Steyn's book was about radical muslims.

Do you really need someone to tell you the truth about radical muslims?
None of these links, or links within links quote what caused the hub-bub in the first place. We can't judge if it actually a hate-crime or not. Move along.
If you keep it in your heart, you can hate to your heart's content. Much like everything in life.. no harm, no foul. Once you start acting on your hate tho' ... you can run afoul of the law.
I believe if you look at that quote closely it reveals Steyn's book was about radical muslims.

with all the accusations of obama being "a muslim" (oh dear god no) and whatnot i really missed any such distinctions in your discourse.

carry on.
Too bad.

Founding Fathers in Philadelphia, circa 1786....Free Speech? Nope. Someone might say bad stuff.
Not just say bad stuff.
If someone has a gun in their hand and says, "I'm going to shoot you dead", then the possibility of danger becomes reality. Right? Do the authorities just ignore the threat because the gun holder has the right to Free Speech? Certainly not, because what they said has the potential to inflict harm.