Online college degrees

i think i've seen a picture of you. you look like a shifty little rascal to me. i wouldn't hire you based on appearance, or let you anywhere near the livestock.

anyway, how about an example outside yer back forty?

motorola called me as i was finishing my ph.d. before they would even interview me, they wanted me to sign papers allowing them to drug, credit, and background checks. i declined.

i know someone who is a big league HR person. i was complaining about my experience and she told me that many major corporations require the same shit.

it's great if you can get work through word of mouth. i'm sure that's the case in many smaller or highly localized industries. most of the higher level corporate jobs come through extended personal contacts, too, but that typically doesn't exempt them from pee pee in mr. cup.
they wanted me to sign papers allowing them to drug, credit, and background checks.

I love what America has become.

We used to walk in, give our credentials & go to work.

Now we sign a bazillion forms (allowing the company to do what it will do anyway) after giving them an okay to verify our credit history (what the hell does this have to do with work-ask Mr Trump) & to call our previous empoyers & schools-just to make sure you are who you say you are. Then, after the other crap turns out ok you have to go piss in a cup because State Farm will give a 4% discount.

Get off my back, get outta my way & let me do my damned job.
i think i've seen a picture of you. you look like a shifty little rascal to me. i wouldn't hire you based on appearance, or let you anywhere near the livestock.

anyway, how about an example outside yer back forty?

motorola called me as i was finishing my ph.d. before they would even interview me, they wanted me to sign papers allowing them to drug, credit, and background checks. i declined.

i know someone who is a big league HR person. i was complaining about my experience and she told me that many major corporations require the same shit.

it's great if you can get work through word of mouth. i'm sure that's the case in many smaller or highly localized industries. most of the higher level corporate jobs come through extended personal contacts, too, but that typically doesn't exempt them from pee pee in mr. cup.

:shrug: Can't speak for beyond my forty, but within it, my previous employer (we were bought out, so I don't count that as another blind hire) had me working for banks and banks' main offices. I've walked into rooms that 90% of the customer's employees don't even know exist, based on nothing more than my employee ID. Heck, it was a running joke that most of the employees that access those rooms have to go through more security checks just to get to their desks every morning than I had to get hired. I've yanked the hard drives outta servers that most of their IT guys would loose their jobs for even considering touching. (One day I'll be able to tell that story in public. Suffice it to say, people who didn't know about hot swap raid drives needed a change of pants, and a security guard got a reprimand). Way back, my very first job was at the head office of Canada's largest jewellers. Again, hired on one person's recommendation. Immediately bonded for a mil. Maybe that says something about the different countries we live in.
The Canada 2001 Census-The total population count of Canada was 30,007,094 (per Wikipedia)

US Population: 301,139,947 (July 2007 est.) (per CIA Factbook)

That says more...
I agree with those who said it depends on the school. There are really well designed online courses that really teach you and teachers that actually evaluate your learning.

The downside of it all, is poor piss courses and shitty teachers that does not grade students properly (which also applies to traditional courses). Too many people get degrees nowdays because of that.