Puppets First Ever Thread....


Annoying SOB
^ obviously a mere mortal. First person speach. Steweygrrrr is having none of that malarky


Off 'Motherfuckin' Topic Elite
It is merely that I am aware of my own presence, and am comfortable expressing my opinions and views in the first person.


New Member
The Puppet and almighty pain in my ass already sounds like a joy :rolleyes: to have on the board. :)

No worries, I never take anyone like you seriously. :D


Annoying SOB
Yes but if I said that he would have taken it as in smitten kitten, you know the loveydovey way aqnd twisted it. So I typed it wrong on purpose. -karma for insolence mortal ;)


New Member
Woohoo!! :D

Although, you do realise that the two meanings are in fact synonomous.. ;) "Smitten" developed in the romantic sense as a metaphor relating to the decimating effect someone can have on you...


Annoying SOB
yeah but I wanted i to mean the 'fry you bastard' meaning. Not that anyone here is (much of) a bastard. Present company accepted a13 ;)


New Member
OK but just so you know for next time, in case you're talking to a hot American chick and you say that Americans are retards, present company accepted.. ;)

Even if she is one.. ;) won't help your cause to tell her.. :p


New Member
Why not, I talk to plenty of hot English chicks.. ??
Well ok, most of them are butt-ugly and I don't talk to them, but the odd one is damn gorgeous.. although she's only 17 though.. :eek6: