AuH2O for Prez!

He was a presidential candidate in the mid 60s... and from Arizona .. so it just might have been an indian name after all. :)
Rose said:
I may be alone, but I'll wish 'em a bit of luck and hope they succeed. Won't hold my breath, but I'll raise a pint in their honour once and who knows .... *dreamy sigh*

i do agree, but i dotn think theyre doing it for altruistic reasons. but i am with you in i think they are doing the right thing. just for the wrong reasons
celebrities have always been involved in this kind of thing...politics, too. like it or not hollywood has influenced the government big time...look at all frank sinatra did for JFK....i'm not surprised at all.
Well I would think some high profile people like that would be prime targets for the terrorists....err resistance?

Dam. I like all of those folks and Id hate to see them car bombed.

On the other hand...I would feel ambigious if they some how made progress (they won't).

What would that mean.....?

Besides, who are they going to see?

Certainly they are not going to be meeting with the face to face with the terrorists....?

Hi Im Brad Pitt. Im not a terrorist but I have played on in the Movies. Did you ever see fight club? I took down multiple high rise banks in that one.

So about you guys stop blowing stuff up?
Well I would think some high profile people like that would be prime targets for the terrorists....err resistance?
I'd be surprised if the terrorists know or care who they are. Shocked even. Might bomb 'em for being Americans though.
where are they going exactly? are they going to iraq? what a joke if they are. are they idiots? they are the face of hollywood and therefor the face of america and the west. they represent so many things that islam despises. and in iraq they will just make high profile targets for the thugs who are blowing up ambulances and shooting red cross workers. I can see it now. Theyll kidnap Jennifer Aniston. "Pull out of Iraq or the white bitch dies!!" Then theyd have to send in Arnold to rescue Rachel and make a friends episode out of it. Good grief. They are just gonna make things 100 times worse for the soldiers who are already there. doesnt anyone remember Jane Fonda?

The first name rings a bell but I've never heard the last....:retard:
doesnt anyone remember Jane Fonda?

Come on, most people don't remember the mistakes they made last week.

I can't remember anymore who said it, but "People rarely learn from their own mistakes and almost never from the mistakes of others."
I think is a lost of time. They leading with death every day, and dont change their minds, do u think they will start to act diferent, just because an actor ask him ?