Run Aways


New Member
Hey yall. I ran away for my first time wednesday afternoon, and got picked up by the cops yesterday morning. Me and my boyfriend did it together, but he is going to juvie for grand theft auto.
I might run away again, but I am gonna plan it first off.
I just want yall's opinion on what you think of ruan aways.

Ms Ann Thrope

New Member
Nekhebet said:
Hey yall. I ran away for my first time wednesday afternoon, and got picked up by the cops yesterday morning. Me and my boyfriend did it together, but he is going to juvie for grand theft auto.
I might run away again, but I am gonna plan it first off.
I just want yall's opinion on what you think of ruan aways.

my opinion on runaways? they are tragic examples of kids who mistakenly feel they've run out of options.... no matter how horrible your home life, there's ALWAYS another way out whether it's talking to a teacher, spiritual advisor, friend or other trusted relative

don't do it... it's beyond stupid... it's life-threatening :mad:


New Member
Unless you're actually being physically or emotionally abused, it's a severe error. If you are being abused, there are better ways to get out of the situation (ie, call the cops).

If your bf was enough of an asshole to steal a car, you're better off without him. Hope he goes inside for awhile.


New Member
Nekhebet said:
Well better take verbal abuse as your excuse, but no physical abuse at all.

Then my best guess is that you need to re-assess your priorities. And learn to pick men better.


Off 'Motherfuckin' Topic Elite
Nekhebet said:
Well better take verbal abuse as your excuse, but no physical abuse at all.

Verbal abuse huh? I know that can be bad, but sometimes it's nothing but the truth that some know-it-all 14 year old kid just doesn't want to hear also. If it's the latter, you're damn lucky it was the cops that found you and you might just want to re-examine your life. Might just find it's not the hell hole you thought it was.


New Member
I ran away when I was 14 as well. :shrug: I was getting physically and emotionally abused. I lived with my oma for about half a year before moving back home. It didn't get better, so I moved out at 16. I'm now 24 and I'm doing a first years masters in Geographic Information Systems. Sometimes, it seems that there is no recourse but running away. I was severely depressed because of what was happening at home, and my school life wasn't any better. :shrug:


New Member
I did. I brought in social welfare. My mother did a bunch of anger management classes. Fat lot of good it did. :rolleyes: On the good side of things, we're slowly mending those bridges now... but it took a LONG time. :(

Ms Ann Thrope

New Member
BeardofPants said:
I lived with my oma for about half a year before moving back home.

exactly... there's always a trusted adult that one can turn to.... living on the streets (which is where so many teen runaways wind up) is not the solution...


New Member
running away is so romanticised and overrated.
it seems like such a cool thing to do.
you can have the 'distinction' of being that rebellious girl who defied authority.

and then you die in a gutter.
but that's also romanticised and overrated.


New Member
i understand what it feels like to think that no one understands or loves you at home. i understand what it feels like to be different from your family. i understand the need "to get away from it all"....what i don't understand is endangering yourself needlessly...runaways end up murdered, raped, prostituted, or, at the very least, mentally traumatized. maybe you should discuss your teenaged angst with your parents, a friend...hell, talk to me...but don't endanger yourself or your are all you really have in this world...might want to look after yourself.


Out-freaking-standing OTC member
Running away can make the problem worse. Don't let your friends dictate how you should live. Perhaps we're seeing a bit of peer pressure here...


New Member
Nekhebet said:

I just want yall's opinion on what you think of ruan aways.

If you want a career in drug addiction, prostition, ill health, hypothermia, alcoholism, begging, theft, probably jail, lonliness, alcoholism, prejudice and low self esteem then running away is the life-choice for you! :)

When you wake up tomorrow and get to the breakfast table, before you eat your cornflakes have a good luck at the missing person picture on the side of the milk carton, in a few months that coulda been you! :evilcool:

BoP already explained a couple of ways you could safely escape your present situation. I left home at 17, I was ready to leave before that, but I decided to spend a few years getting a bit of money together so I at least left home with enought to support myself, I'd advise you to do the same, education don't hurt either ;)

I didn't leave home under a dark cloud......i was just impatient to get out and see the world