Saw a stupid bumper sticker today....


New Member
"Why do closed minded people always open their mouths"

The car had rainbow stickers on it. An obvious attemt to advertise the owners sexual orientation.

My response to that is:

Why are you trying to FORCE me to accept your lifestyle. SHUT UP!!! KEEP IT TO YOURSELF!!! I dont care what you do.

I dont HATE, I dont JUDGE,..... Its not my job, nor is it my hobby.
"Why do closed minded people always open their mouths"

Why are you trying to FORCE me to accept your lifestyle. SHUT UP!!! KEEP IT TO YOURSELF!!! I dont care what you do.

Does anybody else see the irony here?

My boyfriend has a bumper sticker on the back of his car, it reads, "You are the reason I hate people."

The other day I was driving his car and was pulled up to a stop light when I looked in the rearview mirror to see a lady with two kids in her car giving me the finger with both hands. When I turned around she pointed at the sticker. I never laughed so hard in my whole life.
Hey, for more irony, check out these Cleveland quotes I pulled from another thread...

I am an American. I believe everyone is entitled to live HOWEVER THEY CHOOSE.

I can’t understand why people will not accept that everyone is different. Have different beliefs, goals, and enjoy different things.

My point is: We cant you live your life, and let me live mine.

I don't know, how do you spell hypocrite?
*sniff, sniff* Me thinks I smells flames....

I agree that what I said could be construed as hypocritical. But look at it this way. I dont approve of a homosexual lifestyle, and hope to raise my children to be the same. BUT disapproval does not mean that discrimination is acceptable. I just dont think it is right for groups to try to convince the general public that it is OK to be gay. That's all. And by them doing so, they are interfering with my life.

Like I said, keep it to yourself.... dont force it on me. Would that really be so hard? I dont walk around making sure everyone knows I'm straight.
*sniff, sniff* Me thinks I smells flames....

As in flaming homosexual? :gay: :D

I just dont think it is right for groups to try to convince the general public that it is OK to be gay. That's all. And by them doing so, they are interfering with my life.

How so? I really don't understand this. Gato_Solo said something along this same line and I really don't get it.

By not letting me be openly gay you're interfering with my life. Is your right to non-interference more important than my right? I don't think it is.

And no one is forcing it on you. If you see an ad for a brand of soap, no one is forcing you to go out and buy that soap. If you see me driving down the street with a pride sticker on my car (there are four of them as well as an American flag) I'm not forcing you to be gay, or forcing you to like me being gay.

The other day I saw a guy in Wal-Mart wearing a shirt with a huge rebel flag on the back and the slogan, "You wouldn't understand, it's a white thing."

I didn't get the urge to run to the bedding section, put a sheet over my head and hang a minority in the hardware department. Do you get the urge to have sex with another man when you see a rainbow sticker? If not, then what's the big deal? And if so, well, maybe you need to work some things out. But don't deny me my rights just because.

Besides, my pride stickers aren't on there for the benefit of straight people. They are on there so other gay people know that I'm gay and not afraid of what other people think.

As a matter of fact, you can look at them as a warning to stay away from me 'cause I sure don't want people who don't like me around me.

Everyday I hope somebody sees those stickers and takes a bit of my courage with them.

Everyday I hope that my ability to be open and honest about who I am changes the way others think about gay people.

Like I said, keep it to yourself.... dont force it on me. Would that really be so hard? I dont walk around making sure everyone knows I'm straight.

If you've ever held a girl's hand in public, or kissed her, or gotten married, or put down spouse information on an application people know you're straight. If you've ever cat-called to a women, or told your buddies to check out the ass on that fine thing walking by you're letting them know you're straight. And by letting us all know you think gay people should keep that to themselves you're letting us all know you're straight and don't care for gay people.

I agree that what I said could be construed as hypocritical.

Well, at least we agree on that.

I don't see how you are feeling like is forcing anything on you. What I see is a member of this messageboard contributing to the community, not someone constantly saying "I am gay, you will acknowledge that I am gay and you will like it"

In fact, I think you should look yourself in the mirror, dude. You're against homosexuality, that's your problem, not ours, but yet the majority of your posts recently that I've read consist of you bitching about or homosexuals in general, and forcing your opinions on US.
Originally posted by Cleveland
*sniff, sniff* Me thinks I smells flames....

There can't be flames without me around! Well I'm here now... :D

Originally posted by ris
being gay is ok

I don't think so. You see, you are stating that something is right, but that is only the opinion of those who believe it. Other's say being gay is not ok. That is like saying "raping people is ok", but it's only some sick bastards opinion, not fact.

I am straight, and am against homosexuality because I believe it is morally and biblically wrong, as well as just plain ol' disgusting. I however don't really mind gay people as long as they are not prancing around in public to draw attention to the fact that they are gay. An example would be the gay pride parades in Toronto. That really pisses me off when I see them all dancing around, making a big huge deal about how gay they are. You don't see any straight pride parades do you? I haven't.

The bottom line is, if you wanna be gay, you go right ahead. Your choice. But don't go shoving your gay lifestyle in my face and in the faces of people's kids.

P.S. Gay people are going to hell.

Originally posted by Anakin

P.S. Gay people are going to hell.

Thats kinda of a harsh statement to make no? people are who they are, so if gay people are genetically/whatever different than us straight people, and they can't help who they are, thats an instant trip to hell? :confuse3:
That is like saying "raping people is ok", but it's only some sick bastards opinion, not fact.

OMG, I believe this is the first time I will ever agree with you about a subject, Mr. Anakin:D.
And being gay is not genetic and there is not 1 ounce of fact to prove it.
I'll just throw in that if being gay is genetic, then they're destined by their genes to extinction. Some of us call that evolution.

Gives ya images of gay dinosaurs, doesn't it?
I don't think so. You see, you are stating that something is right, but that is only the opinion of those who believe it. Other's say being gay is not ok. That is like saying "raping people is ok", but it's only some sick bastards opinion, not fact.

So, if I read this correctly, just because somebody says that being gay is ok doesn't make it a fact because it's their opinion.

I can agree with that. But by your own logic, just because somebody says being gay is not ok doesn't make it fact either. It's just their opinion.

And why do people always make the most outlandish comparisons when it comes to saying being gay is ok?
Why does rape, murder, molestation, or some other disgusting perversion have to be made ok in order for me to love a man?

How do people come up with that? If I am a rapist, or a murderer loose on the streets then I am a threat to society. I can understand that. If I'm gay, what? I might hit on you? Get over yourself. Take it as a compliment.

I am straight, and am against homosexuality because I believe it is morally and biblically wrong, as well as just plain ol' disgusting. I however don't really mind gay people as long as they are not prancing around in public to draw attention to the fact that they are gay. An example would be the gay pride parades in Toronto. That really pisses me off when I see them all dancing around, making a big huge deal about how gay they are. You don't see any straight pride parades do you? I haven't.

If gay people having parades makes you feel inferior as a straight person, then please go have a parade.

What harm does me having a parade cause you? There's usually beer. Queers drink too you know. So have a beer, grab some mardi gra beads and enjoy the party.

The bottom line is, if you wanna be gay, you go right ahead. Your choice. But don't go shoving your gay lifestyle in my face and in the faces of people's kids.

I still don't get the shoving part. I've never heard of a gay person who has ever chased somebody down and beat them to death because he was straight.

But straight people have done that to gay people, and if that's not shoving your beliefs in somebody's face, I don't know what is.

P.S. Gay people are going to hell.

So? I'm not going to change because I'm scared of your god's hell. I've already worked things out with mine. We're cool.

MitchSchaft And being gay is not genetic and there is not 1 ounce of fact to prove it.

Pardon me this one time folks but WHO FUCKING CARES?!?!

I don't give one damn bit if I'm gay because I was born that way or because I choose to be. That has absolutely no relevance on anything. All I know is that I am gay, that I am very much in love with my boyfriend and that I hope with every ounce of my being that I will get to spend the rest of my life with him.

If it turned out tomorrow that being gay was genetic, would that make it ok all of a sudden? Being black is genetic and that didn't help them any. So what does it matter?

I'll just throw in that if being gay is genetic, then they're destined by their genes to extinction. Some of us call that evolution.

Since you want to talk genitics, let me just throw this out there.

If we all remember back to high school, we all have dominant and recissive genes or traits. Since it is true that gay people can't breed (without surrogate mothers or artificial insemination at least) the gay gene would more than likely be recissive as it wouldn't get passed around a lot.

But that means that if there is a gay gene that straight people are a carrier for it until evolution weeds it out. That would mean that if you ended up with a gay child, or had a gay person in your family you're part gay too.

So now, how many of you are part gay? Feel different?

Okay...Since my name was bandied about in here, I guess I'll have to respond...

1. I do not cat-call women. That is a pathetic and ignorant way to treat another human being.

2. If I am with my fiancee, I will walk next to her with my arm around her, hold her hand, or just walk close to her. I do not engage in any other type of behavior in public. To do so is both crude and vulgar. If I see two men walking in similar fashion, I do not get upset.

3. The bible is straightforward on homosexuality. It says that you do not do it.

4. By saying that homosexuality is a choice, you have put yourself in a bad spot. Why would anyone choose to be a "victim", or choose to be victimized? Sounds like a psychological abberation to me...It also knocks your statement on discrimination on its ear. Think about it.

5. This is something I heard in a history class in college, but never had a chance to actually research...
Most societies start to decline when they repeal their sodomy laws...
I sure hope that people that are anti homosexual die off in time. Don't confuse this with hatred, I love everyone much as I can, but just don't love everything about everyone.

They are very close to proving conlusively once and for all, and there is much scientific evidence that homosexuality has a genetic causality. People do not chose it but rather they cannot help it.

It's alright to express love publicly, no matter who loves whom so long as it's consentual. What can be wrong with love? I think it's quite rude and in bad taste for anyone to express sexuality publicly, be they straight bi or gay.

There is much debate and strong evidence that our anti homosexual interpretations of the bible itself are incorrect. Personally I believe that many things in the bible are true, yet much has been lost in translation. Why else would there be several versions of the bible, many with slightly to greatly differing interperetations of many things. There is much study on the issue of homosexuality in the bible, and much information, but I will provide a link to just one such site: here.

Jesus himself said, when asked what the most important commandment was, that its was to love God and to love one another as we'd love ourselves. That includes homosexuals unless I am mistaken, and I'm not. It is also said quite clearly to judge not lest ye be judged. This is all but impossible, but every time you condemn a homosexual, and every time some high and mighty gospel preacher tells them they're going to hell, you and they might ought to think about that line.

Well thats my two cents.....