Should SB stay, or leave OTC?

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Originally posted by sbcanada
Originally posted by MuFu
HEY! What the hell do you think you're doing, dumbass??!! :mad2:

I though they banned your pre-pubescent ass from moderating stuff! Jeez... yo mumma drop you on your head one too many times when you were a kid? ?( :mad:


Mufu, I did not edit your post. That was obviously the work of fury and/or Justintime. I am not a moderator, I do not have that ability. They are fucking with you and my account, and this is total bull shit. Don't you guys fucking talk to me about member attackage and immaturity. Look what you're doing right now, trying to get members mad at me, editing my profile, calling me a "spacktard."

Don't fucking call me immature FURY and JUSTINTIME. You both are being very immature and you are attacking this member.

Mufu did that to his own post mate, seems you're on the edge eh?look at the times :cool:
Originally posted by sbcanada
Originally posted by MuFu
HEY! What the hell do you think you're doing, dumbass??!! :mad2:

I though they banned your pre-pubescent ass from moderating stuff! Jeez... yo mumma drop you on your head one too many times when you were a kid? ?( :mad:


Mufu, I did not edit your post. That was obviously the work of fury and/or Justintime. I am not a moderator, I do not have that ability. They are fucking with you and my account, and this is total bull shit. Don't you guys fucking talk to me about member attackage and immaturity. Look what you're doing right now, trying to get members mad at me, editing my profile, calling me a "spacktard."

Don't fucking call me immature FURY and JUSTINTIME. You both are being very immature and you are attacking this member.

Get a sense of humor:D
Hey, I'm just stating facts. What, I'm not allowed to run a campaign?

And who's trying to get you mad at the members?

<font color="#f7f7f7" size="1">Seems like you're doing a pretty good job yourself</font>
*Edited - don't ever post something like that again, ok? Naughty-naughty!*


Last edited by sbcanada on 04.29.2002, 10:33.

Why the hell does it say that I edited Mufu's post? What is up with editing my account and labelling me as "spacktard" fury? How is that mature? That is abuse of power.
you should be the last one to talk about abuse of power, maybe we should make you super admin for statin that, eh? wheres your great sense of humor? :D

mufu did that lil tidbit to his own post, ask him why, when he comes :shrug:
You guys are talking to me about how I abused my power, when fury is doing it right now.

You guys can all go right ahead and bash me all you want. Show me how mature you are. ;)

Oh, the spacktard is gone, I guess someone decided to cover up their mistake so no one would notice, eh? :D
anyways, goodnight sbcanada, or should i say horse fucker, or is it satan now? you change so often, too bad your ip don't! :)
Originally posted by sbcanada
*Edited - don't ever post something like that again, ok? Naughty-naughty!*


Last edited by sbcanada on 04.29.2002, 10:33.

Why the hell does it say that I edited Mufu's post? What is up with editing my account and labelling me as "spacktard" fury? How is that mature? That is abuse of power.

Now I am having fun here:D



I have seen this type of moderation before. It is funny and really good and effective. sb you have to bite the bullet and own up and/or grow up.

At least they didn't ban your ass.

Personally I would say stay if you can hack being called a spacktard for awhile. Things will be fine after awhile if you can hack that. You came under a different nick~ HF. That right there is very very childish. Like I said you are lucky they didn't ban you for that.

SPACKTARD kinda has a nice ring to it doesn't it:D

Long live OTC.

This thread is very humorous. Funny how tables turn the way they do, huh?

Last edited by sbcanada on 04.29.2002, 23:09.

Oh, Mufu did that himself eh? I guess greenfreak did to eh? NICE ABUSE OF POWER FURY!!

This thread is funny, I don't care one little bit about your BS. ;)
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