So, I have an exam tomorrow

Jerrek said:
Altron said:
Nixy said:
Hey, I'm cool and I know math:D
I'm cool and I know math too!
9th grade Algebra 1 at least...
More than that I'd think... Not many kids know about i.

What is the solution to this question:

e^(pi * i) - 1 = ??

I have no idea. I know pi = ~3.14 and i squared is -1, but WTF is e^?
e is the basis of natural logarithmics, it is defined as lim x->0 (1+x)^(1/x)

ohhhhh and the x^n is "x raised to the n"
ohhhhh and talking about i, a few years ago i was solving a problem and i ended up having the equation of a circle whose radius was i

Ok, I have no idea how to figure it out!
I was hoping for more of an "e^ = 1" or something...
No more math


I just did poorly on an exam and don 't want to think about it
Altron said:
Ok, I have no idea how to figure it out!
I was hoping for more of an "e^ = 1" or something...
No, e = 2.7-something... Its a very natural number.

e^(pi * i) - 1 = 0 btw ;)
Luis G said:
e is the basis of natural logarithmics, it is defined as lim x->0 (1+x)^(1/x)

ohhhhh and the x^n is "x raised to the n"
Or you could say that

e^x = sigma, j = 0, j < infinity, of ( x^j / j! )
That's it! I am getting on a bus right now and coming to kick your ass LL!
I don't want a gun. I don't NEED a gun!

I will just kick him in the nuts!:headbang:
Altron said:
*loads Colt M4A1*
*passes M4A1 to Nixy*


*loads SA80*

*it's broken due to the slightly nippy weather* :(
What do you mean?
The K98K is my Wolfenstein sniping machine!
I tried saving it as a jpeg, but ti was still too big!