So, what's with this?


Well-Known Member
This site seems to have a point. The features of the person shown after the shooting do not comport with those of the person who was shown in court. The width of the nose is their point but the ears also don't seem to match. So, what gives?

By Mort Amsel
The guy shown all over the media immediately after the shooting and the guy seen in court… are not the same guys.​

So who is he? -Mort​
It doesn't spread that much. The one on the left looks like he has his nose pressed against a pane of glass.

I would have to see his ears as they are like fingerprints.
if that's the case we don't need those weak-minded people roaming around
after an incident like that.
Everything looks right except that nose and the relation to the philtrum.

On the left, the nose is wide and the philtrum and septum are narrow. On the right, just the opposite.
fancy words don't make you any less wrong. there's also a zygomatic prominence in the left picture. and i'll bet he's got relatively sharp edges along the superciliary arches. that means he's a bitch. prolly has thin girly wrists too.
"how many people have one ear stick out more than the other?"

no one has perfect bilateral symmetry.

i am seriously at a loss to understand how someone could believe the ridiculous shit you do.
jeez... in that 'younger' pic you can already see that he's nuts... and not in a harmless way... somebody shoulda gotten smart some years back and given that boy cement shoes.
i'm just waiting for occupy uranus boy to posit a link between the aurora asshole and the dicktoast in wisconsin.