
New Member
I've noticed that Spam is expanding it's line of products.

Not only do you have Spam, but now there is Smoked Spam, Hot & Spicy Spam, Cheese & Spam, and Turkey Spam.

Has anybody tried these? Are they better than regular Spam? Will a Chicken Spam be next? Is there already one?

(I can hear Monty Python already)


New Member
I haven't because I have several food allergies. Remarkably enough, normal SPAM is rather simple in its construct. The new variants are made with lesser adjuncts.


New Member
Considering that I'm allergic to corn and soy, and that SPAM only has meat and spice... good thing.

The other types have hydrolyzed protein (corn) and modified food starch (corn) and tobasco (corn) and who knows what else. They may taste perfectly fine for all I know.. I just can't touch it. ...bad thing.


Well-Known Member

But only the real stuff .. all that other spicy and turkey stuff is just crap ... :D


New Member

I understand that Hawaii buys more Spam than any place on the planet. I hear that they even serve a Spam sushi there. Is any of that true?



Spam Jello! Spam Soup! Spamwich Cookies! Spamghetti! Spamloaf!! Chocolate Cake With Spam Frosting! Spameroni And Cheese! Spam Ice Cream! Spamburgers! Spamsicles!