

New Member
So, we're renovating the house. The only untouched floor is the basement - where the machines are.

None of us (including me) thought of the fact that the A/C guy was gonna have to access the ducts from down here - through the drywall. By the time my wife thought enough to call me and ask whether to kill the boxes, there was drywall dust everywhere.

So, everything remains off except mine until they're done, at which point we'll be doing a canned air project in the garage.

5 fucking little vaccuum cleaners sucking all that shit into the electronics.....
They've ripped out the kitchen wall, torn out the wood panelling in the family room, repaired and mudded the drywall in the family room, kitchen, upstairs hall, master bedroom and master bath, removed the old vanity/sink and shower surround from the master bath, widened the family room closet and built in an entertainment center, Dual-zoned my HVAC, and are finishing up the drywall sanding today. They may also start painting today.

Next week is finishing off the painting, rebuilding the master bath and tiling the floor in there, tearing out all kitchen cabinets, painting and reflooring the kitchen (tile this time), and putting in new cabinets. Then we'll replace every window in the house. The pool is empty, and they'll be replacing my liner next week (I hope).

I'm getting tired of all the upheaval. The computers stay OFF and COVERED, unless in use.
wow, that sounds like it'll really be nice when finished.
The best part is it sounds like all stuff that won't make your property taxes go up. :D
Professur said:
And why are you doing all this?

Oh, yeah. To be able to sleep safely.


Yeah, it will be nice when it's done. I'm not sure yet whether it's gonna be nice enough to justify what I'm paying, but it might.
A few years ago, in Ixtapa a house about 1km away from the beach (like 400m in straight line) was around that. Today they cost more like 120k or 200k, but that should still be cheap for you guys.
You might be able to find a house for that here, actually. You'd need to invest in a lot of spackle to fill the bullet holes, carpet cleaner for the bloodstains, and ear plugs for the low flying aircraft, but you might.
I live near the airport, and I don't have any of those problems...unless the C-5's, F-15's, F-16's, or those Harriers are here. You can hear those bastiches howling from miles away.