The End of an Era, Pt. 2

I'd just like to say here, for everyone who's a JJR alumni, the following:

They say hindsight is 20/20 and I am honestly embarrassed by some of the posts I made and mean-spirited things I've said.

I'm starting to remember what fueled those words, things I had forgotten for a long time. Take many of my posts out of context and I can only come to the conclusion that I was a stone-cold bitch about a lot of things and a lot of people.

I'm glad I'm on the other side of that anger and that most of those relationships have been mended over the years since. If any of you read things I've written there and feel that we haven't mended things, PM me.

Also, Prof. I now see that I just really did not understand you all those years. Not until fairly recently have I realized that many of your posts in response to me (if not all) were written with a joking tone, rather than a mean one. I'm read your posts to me and I laugh. Then I read my posts in response and I'm embarrassed by my lack of understanding.

Anyway, just wanted to put that out there. It's really very freeing. :)
Greenfreak: I'm probably the one you came to hate the most, and I can't say I didn't deserve it. I was a real jackass much of the time. I don't know that things are mended between us now. Hopefully, that could be more the fault of me not being around here (and you) much until just very recently. Professur has been here the whole time and you've gotten the chance to come to a new understanding about him, but you haven't had that chance with me yet, so I don't know how you feel after all this time. But I'm only asking from you the same thing I'm asking of everyone, which is basically for a second chance. The past is over and done with. Let's see what we can do with the future.
I know where the thoughts I expressed came from, but the intense emotion is what is amazing me. And I'm sure there's a ton of that concentrated in the Mod Hideout which isn't even accessible.

Just, wow. This stuff is taking me back. Nalani was such a prude then, didn't even want to talk about masturbation as a means of curing insomnia. :D

I was only trying to help. ;)
That forum is still there and working, but only someone who was a Staff Member at the end would be able to get in, after loggin in. I seem to recall that you were a moderator of at least one forum, although I don't remember which one, and I see you aren't now. I don't recall if you stepped down while I was still there or if that came after I was gone. But it's all there.
I should have said it isn't accessible to me. That's exactly why I can't see it, because I did step down before the site was taken down. And you made me a moderator as a fluke because you wanted me to be able to post News items to the front page. Which also gave me access to the Hideout. So I read all the threads in there before I told you about the error. :D
No, none of the emails have been recreated as yet. If anyone would like an email address, let me know. Aparently I have an unlimited number of them to give out. The only catch is you must be a registered member, and if your name is different than your registered name there, let me know who you are, so I'll know who you...umm...are.


On a different note, as a gesture of goodwill, and of putting the past behind us, I have removed all IP bans/blocks and unbanned everyone who was banned. Being a closed forum, I suppose the difference isn't much. But at least you'd be able to see the place if you want to, and look through any old PMs you had saved.
Professur said:
Oh. My. Gawd. I'd completely forgotten about that one.
Ah, yes... The Wetling assassination thread. Some of my best work. It started off about bras, melded into Wetling trying to kill me, and polished off with stuff going up Inky's butt.
