The Thermaltake Titty Knob


Ok, this is really immature I know, but me and a mate were lookin at CPU coolers and I came across this...

Thermaltake X-Blower

Look at the pictures below the specification until you see the words... 2 main “Tt” knob

Now... translate that into 2 main Titty knobs and you have the immature thoughts that I was having :D

Also, look at the pic of the knobs...

Rather large nipples don't you think

:hump: lol
MuFu said:
How about these for a pair of tits?


Ahh, yes... but which is the greater tit and which is the lesser tit?

Twitchers would like to know so they can observe their antics. Preferably in their natural habitats. Although I do believe the horned cokeral "Billus Clintonus" used to prefer any but his own habitat. :lol:
What does Bill Clinton always say after sex?

"Hillary? Yeah, I'll be home in a little bit... I just stopped by the office to get a couple of things done."

I was just thinking that the title of this thread reminds me of the "Titty Twister" in "From dusk till dawn".
no more than IDS tho who in IMO is a bigger tit than the two aforementioned breastlike people put together
You know given the choice available at the moment... I really don't see much alternative to tony blair and labour... and that's sad! :(
What you'd rather have the tories back?

While I appreciate he isnt doing the best job in the world at fixing things just remember the tories had 18 years to fuck it all up in. That means its gonna take at least that if not longer to repair the damage inflicted on the national services and stuff...
No I don't want the tories back, I want a government I can trust to do the things it says it's going to do and actually mean it. One that will stop fucking around with cosmetics and actually make fundemental changes to the bureaucratic crap that passes for government these days. One that doesn't lie to it's people and then make excuses or try bluff it out when it gets caught with it's fingers in the cookie jar. One that hasn't lost sight of where it came from, of exactly who elected it and can just as easily un-elect it. One that hasn't forgotten who is supposed to be serving whom.

Deepseated fundemental changes need to be made to our public services, not least of all the fact that there are far too many managers and not enough people involved in actually delivering services, but it just isn't happening. Everybody and his wife seems to be far too busy winding themselves up chasing bits of paper and targets to deliver decent services.
Monster Raving Loony party then? :)

I dont think any of the current parties (besides the BNP but thats for different reasons) have the ability to make these kind of earth moving policy changes
steweygrrrr said:
Monster Raving Loony party then? :)
If I could be sure that the conservatives wouldn't get in here if I did vote for MRLP then I would. As it is the only way to keep them out here is to vote SDLP in general elections.... labour does not have a big enough following in this town, they always come out a poor 3rd.