"They talk about me like a dog."


Well-Known Member
Obama says that the Republicans "talk about me like a dog" yet in November 2008 he referred to himself as a "mutt".


"With respect to the dog," said Obama, "this is a major issue." He said it has generated the most interest on his Web site, but before a new addition is made to the family, "two criteria that have to be reconciled."

One is that elder daughter Malia, 10, "is allergic, so it has to be hypoallergenic." The other is that "our preference would be to get a shelter dog," which would point to the possiblity of a mixed breed, or, as Obama said, "a mutt, like me."


Well-Known Member
poor guy sounds like he's got race issues
or daddy issues
or too damn many issues to be anything other
than a lame duck for the rest of his term

He can just go on vacations and Oprah for the
next two years, then we can have Sarah undo the
damage he's wrought.

"A month ago, he described African-Americans as “a mongrel people”."

Dude don't be dissin' Dawg's they are man's best friends!


Well-Known Member
I predict Obama becoming a lame duck, and the economy to start rebounding.
Not enough rebound to get him re-elected though.


Well-Known Member
"Heel, Barry!"



Obama says that the Republicans "talk about me like a dog" yet in November 2008 he referred to himself as a "mutt".


wow jim this is another real tour de force. what next? "obama eats a chicago hot dog... with KETCHUP!!!!"

lame lame lame.

was there any point to this? two different comments, two different contexts, no meaning between 'em. there must be some hidden message in here because i'm having a hard time understanding how what appears on the surface is anything but a manifestation of desperate boredom, unhealthy obsession, and cognitive torpor.

and, um, cerise, some kind of dog metaphor is in use by virtually every known culture on the planet that has had contact with dogs. multiple metaphors depending on context.

i mean, golly, if i called you a dog, you'd know exactly what i meant, right? but, then, if i referred to winky as "dawg" it would be somethin' else, huh?


Well-Known Member
I think he’s really trying to usurp Slick Willie’s position
as most embarrassing president in recent history.

He certainly would win honorable mention for
most destructive and divisive by mid-term.
He’d win that hands down.

Or how about most un-American American

When the Republicans sweep the elections in November
perhaps we can get a raft of investigations started
and get him off the golf course and speech circuit
and instead mired in trying keep himself from being impeached.


nope. even jim's gone the way of simple name calling. "oh lookie, limp-wristed sissy."

seems to have become a herd disease. but i guess that's appropriate.