Want to talk about your job(s)?


New Member
What I do is clean a building. It's a fun job and I find it quite relaxing. I don't get told what to do, I can schedule my own hours of when I want to clean the building, and all my supplies are paid for by the company that owns the building. The pay is good - $17.50 an hour which is 70 cents more than I made with my two year degree at phone company but I don't get as many hours cleaning as I did with phone company, but with cleaning I can be assured of having a job. Also I didn't like the verbal abuse I had to put up with at phone company; at my new place where I clean people are real nice.
Well, what I do is called Goverment Remittance Release Agent. It's a fancy title for accounts receivable, except that it goes beyond that. I work for a customs broker. We have our own range of clients and decide whether the clients shipments will enter Canada or not, based on their payment terms, their balances etc. It's an interesting job most times, but can get quite boring as well. I probably don't get paid enough for what I do, but it's better than nothing and it's not too stressfull except for the end of the month.
i am a waitress at waffle house. i like it. i get to see alot of different people and then they go away. it's a simple job but a little taxing on the body. i make okay money.
I'm the Controller/CFO for a small asset based lender.

Would you trust this man with your books? :D
I'm the basic department manager for a Walgreens store (huge drug store chain for those that don't know), but all it basically means is that I do all the resets and revisions in the store.
I retired two years ago after 25 or so years as a boat captain.

After six months of boredom, I took a job running the quality control department for a large printing company. We print books, magazines, posters, art prints, brochures, etc. It's a blast, because the company owners are very cool. They seem to understand that happy employees are productive employees, and it works - they keep us happy, we have fun doing our jobs, and we turn out some of the highest quality print jobs available in the southeast. :cool:
tonksy said:
i am a waitress at waffle house. i like it. i get to see alot of different people and then they go away. it's a simple job but a little taxing on the body. i make okay money.

I LOVE Waffle House! Good thing they have those down there in LA. All the more reason to move :)
As far as my jobs....

From 7 to 3 I'm a secretary at a place called Explosive Experts. I get paid $9/hour (hey, I'm only 16, so that's kickass pay) to basically sit around. All I really do is answer phones. Today, I got 15 phonecalls in 8 entire hours. Finished my book though. That's Monday-Friday.

My second job is at A.C. Moore. That's where I do actual work. It's Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday nights 5:30 to close, which is when the manager tells us we can go, and Sunday 10-6 at $6/hour. There, I work in the wood and art departments, and basically straighten up, stock, customer assistance, and register. That job is a pain in the ass.

And with that, I have no summer :)
At least you'll be making lots of money though. Which you'll be sending to me, of course. ;)

I work part-time/full-time (depending on how many hours I do) in the delicatessen section of the supermarket so that I can pay the mortgage, whilst finishing off my studies (post-graduate work in GIS).
I push shopping carts and load heavy objects into people's cars outside, in the heat and the rain, at Home Depot. I mkae a whopping $8 an hour doing it. They're supposed to raise me to $8.50 when I've been there 90 days, which is the same time benefits such as health insurance come available... and the raise will just about cover the benefits.
I'm an out of work Primary "kindergarten" teacher! There's a low birth rate at the mo in Blighty... schools are closing and merging and it's not an ideal situation for us working in education! (Although SOME people seem to think I'm unfit to teach! :rolleyes: )

So to make ends meet I'm working for a 6th form / further education college answering phones, inputting data, handling tele-enrolment for part time courses, taking student queries, stufing envelopes and spending far far far too much time on forums!!!!

I get £7.10 / hour and work 8am to 5pm Monday to Friday...

On a Saturday I work in a clothing store... a national chain.. in the women's wear... I get £5.35 an hour....

I also do supply teaching work when I can get it.. but with the excess of teachers without a permanent position... supply work is pretty limited hense my other jobs!

So thats me!...
I work Mon-Fri 8am-5pm doing data entry and other various admin assistant/accounting clerk type jobs...I make $10.92 an hour and all but $40 a week goes into savings for school...
I work Monday through Friday (although I do get paged and called on the weekends and late at night occasionally) managing both transcription and coding at a large hospital. My staff are dedicated, wonderful people who will do almost anything I ask of them. They make my life easier - but my manager is a complete uber witch who always looks at her own agenda and needs, which makes everyone miserable. I would love my job if it weren't for administration being so hypocritical and self serving.
I'm the resident computer diety for the financial deployment devision of the residential cabling devision of the local phone company.

And CB, don't feel so limited. Why stop at teaching. ;)
Sharky said:
After six months of boredom, I took a job running the quality control department for a large printing company. We print books, magazines, posters, art prints, brochures, etc. It's a blast, because the company owners are very cool. They seem to understand that happy employees are productive employees, and it works - they keep us happy, we have fun doing our jobs, and we turn out some of the highest quality print jobs available in the southeast. :cool:

Remind me to talk to you later. I work for a non-profit organization which is dedicated to the education of native Hawaiians. I recently translated one of our native legends into English and my boss says that we should look into having it printed. This is the first time our company is looking into publishing, so any kind of help we get is greatly appreciated!!

Other than my translating and research at the non-prof org, I'm also a Hawaiian Language teacher at a charter school.
I am the resident computer geek for w purification company. we have worldwide branches. my posted hours are from 7:30 to 4:30, but we all knows how that is. :)
Network Specialist for a small rural electric company in southern Indiana. I mostly work on data network equipment - routers, switches, wireless access points, enterprise firewalls, intrusion prevention, yadda yadda yadda. When needed I work on servers and/or PC's, though they are not my strong suit anymore.

I like the job. I get to design networks and I pretty much do what I want when I want. The responsibility of the phone network wil be handed over to the IS department late this year or early next when a new VoIP system is installed. I'm pretty exited about that.