
New Member
tonksy said:
I can't wait for school to be back in session so I don't have to watch the back to back mind numbing experience that is Dora the Explorer and Diego and his rescue pack.

Ha, thank God mine finally graduated to japanamation "yugio?" and video games....now finally ...sports@!

It does get better.

There is a transformers movie coming soon.

The trailer started at the movies for Pirates II and (being an smart ass) i say..."damm that looks like Optimus Prime from transformers."

I thought I was being silly but then..it really was a transformers trailer. Everyone in the area looked at me like I was the ultimate nerd ...then my brother saved me when he said "youve seen that trailer before".

I sunk back in my seat and said "uh huh thats right" :grinno:

Finally, some asian influenced cartoons that I can get into :toast:


New Member
I am so glad I have girls. I hate all that yugio, powerranger, peekachu shit. They do watch football with me though :D


Well-Known Member
Keep telling yourself that. My girl loved Yugio, and Dragonball (all three series) and would cry if she missed them.


New Member
See, mine don't like them because there isn't enough pink. When Marlowe plays powerrangers with the boys at school it is only because they let her be the pink ranger.


Well-Known Member
tonksy said:
I am so glad I have girls. I hate all that yugio, powerranger, peekachu shit. They do watch football with me though :D

Quick! Why is it a bad idea to play hide-and-seek with a pokemon? Because they like to pikachu!

Get it? :D


Well-Known Member
Hey, Sawhney... first time I saw that av, I thought you were AlphaTroll... her "grum 'guin" av has a really similar-looking face.