
Well-Known Member
I just drew a very nice picture... The kickness, of the assage, it boggles my mind. If i get hold of a scanner i'll post it here.


New Member
Sharky said:
*passes Oz two aspirins and a glass of water*

Thanks dude :)

Thinkin': It's been a quiet night, no one on me msn messenger to flirt with, me fave sites have been very quiet and even the funny sites have been having a lazy day. If it wasn't for the voices in me head......I'd have gone mental :lloyd:


New Member
I'm thinking I'm sooooooo glad I'm a Canadian, eh?

I'm also thinking that somone is putting something funky and mind-altering in in the food the kiddies are getting in school in the US, cause some of 'em sure are acting kinda strange.

Lastly, I'm thinking that I am grateful that the average attention span of a youngster under the age of 25 is around the length of an MTV music video, after which time they usually get bored and toddle off to something new and shiny...


Well-Known Member
My throat hurts.
My head hurts.
My eyes hurt.
Every part of my body is in severe agony.
Being ill sucks.
And why the fuck am i online?


Well-Known Member
Camelyn said:
I'm also thinking that somone is putting something funky and mind-altering in in the food the kiddies are getting in school in the US, cause some of 'em sure are acting kinda strange.
I think they call it sugar. :p

I'm thinking about getting dressed...but if I get dressed, it means I'm getting ready for work, and getting ready for work means I have to go to work. Shit.


New Member
I'm thinking that eating chocolate covered turkish delight in this heat prolly ain't one of my better ideas :sick:

Stop Laughing

New Member
I'm thinking Oz is right but Cam is wrong, at least about the things in kids' food. It's all done through mind control of their parents, through IRS tax forms, who brainwash them into that strange acting (like William Shatner? :D) without realizing it. I'm also thinking too many paranoid thoughts right now... where the hell's the tinfoil?


New Member
1. What exactly is it that is ruining the fuel pump on my truck?
2. Why I'm out of beer.
3. Why New Brahmen girls kick ass.
4. The lyrics to Pitchshifter's "W.Y.S.I.W.Y.G."
5. Why I haven't posted since last month.
6. Why work sucks.
7. If Bruce Bruce gets a chance to hit it, why can't I?
8. I'm out of cigarettes.
9. I hate girls who stand you up, only to be with a guy who paints his nails, has kissed more men than females, and calls himself "Nocturnae", and believes he is a "creature of the night". In reality, his name is Stephe, he works at Wendy's, and drives a Dodge Colt...and he's pretty queer.
10. Fuck.


New Member
Sex (lots of it)

Curry (which should be even hotter than the sex)

Beer (who cares? It's beer)

Music (Loud enough to startle Hellen Keller)

Four Gallons of Babyoil and The Bangles (because they both might come in handy)