What does humping mean to you?

What does humping mean for you?

  • Love (sexually)

    Votes: 13 86.7%
  • Affection (fondness)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other (explain below)

    Votes: 2 13.3%

  • Total voters
*in attempt to prove to myself that fury was a leghumper, i am bumping up all threads with hump references*

hump, hump, hump ... that's enough humping for one day ...
Humping - f@king - no emotion needed, just sweat :)
Humping - carrying a heavy load somewhere

Take your pick - I prefer the former ;)
Humping (in a sexual sense) to me has comical conotations... its not passionate but brief... think Benny Hillesque! :moon:

You might joke about having a "hump" later with your partner as you part for work... that kind of thing!