What would YOU do for Karma?


Well-Known Member
It's a shame to admit it, but I check my Karma daily. Love getting positive karma for a comment or a particularly poingant post. I also get a kick out of getting karma for a 'zinger' or timely joke.

Truth or dare, boys and girls.

Do you check your karma? Find yourself hitting the User CP often to see how you're doing? And...most important...

What would you do for...


Uki Chick

New Member
MrBishop said:
It's a shame to admit it, but I check my Karma daily. Love getting positive karma for a comment or a particularly poingant post. I also get a kick out of getting karma for a 'zinger' or timely joke.

Truth or dare, boys and girls.

Do you check your karma? Find yourself hitting the User CP often to see how you're doing? And...most important...

What would you do for...


I check it every so often as well. No necessarily on a daily basis, but a few times a week at least.

What would I do for Karma.........let all the men, except my ex, grope me :lol2: If that doesn't get me Karma, I'm not sure what will


New Member
I check it, but I don't go out of my way to get it. If you honestly think it's deserved without a lot of pushing from me, it's far more valuable.


Southern Discomfort
I check it from time to time, but not fanatically. Like most people, I like to be appreciated, and reciprocate when it's earned.

What would I do for karma? Besides grope Uki? :lol2: Umm...I'd make ya a skillet of my oft-praised cornbread, or maybe I might link you to some interesting web pages about Lincoln... :lloyd: Or I could give you a big ol' Rebel yell. Yeah, that's the ticket.