Whats in your wallet?

when it comes to that, the netherlands are kinda tolerant...16 years here. :)

not that i care so much about liquor though :)
but 21...geez...that IS kinda old for your first drink :D
AlladinSane said:
Luis G said:
a card from a guy that sells wine illegaly in the night :D
Why would you need to buy it illegaly? :confused:

Morelia has a law that forbids public alcohol sales after 10:00pm, you can drink in a bar/disco 24/7 but is more expensive. The only way to buy it for a party or while you are at your house is to buy it illegaly.

Seriously, this guy is great, most of the times you have to drive to some place to buy it, but this guy is different, you call him to his cell phone and he drives to your house to deliver the product :D
Shadowfax said:
when it comes to that, the netherlands are kinda tolerant...16 years here. :)

not that i care so much about liquor though :)
but 21...geez...that IS kinda old for your first drink :D
Careful there, I'm 19 and have never been drunk. :) I'm unsure if its a good idea for kids to get drunk before they can even drive... lol
LastLegionary said:
Careful there, I'm 19 and have never been drunk. :) I'm unsure if its a good idea for kids to get drunk before they can even drive... lol


i thought you were a freedom lover :p
erm, it's more safe to let 16 yrs old get drunk than letting them drive. at least here. i wouldn't like to see even 1% of the 16 yrs old from the netherlands on the road.

THAT would be dangerous as hell...:eek:
I don't carry a wallet... I have a little pouch in my tiny little 'purse' that I put my driver's licence, health care card and benefits card and whatever cash I 'might' have in.
ris said:
i've only given a few times but i'm resus so they're keen on bleeding me. i'm happy enough, its only a dinky needle, i've had worse

Everyone is. Is that rhesus positive or negative - probably negative if they really want you. It's called rhesus because they originally tested with Rhesus monkey blood.

I'm A Rhesus(Rh)+. Now doesn't that show off my continental heratage? Most true Brits are O. A is the most common on the continent. :)
ris said:
o neg, my ma is the same and they are keen on her too :)

Ah, the "universal" doner. The type that's safe to use in a real emergency because it can be given to anyone without causing a reaction. No wonder they're keen. :)