Which one


New Member
Of the two you listed:

The Panasonic plasma is the top rated by Consumer Reports in thhe 42 inch line.

The Hitachi line of rear projection models were all poorly thought of. The best rated ones were all Toshibas followed by Samsung.


Well-Known Member
Plasma uses 3-4X the power to run than the conventional big-screen. Depends on how much electricity costs ya.


Well-Known Member
Whatever happened to the Sanyo HDTV you got at Wal-Mart that you thought was the bee's knees?


molṑn labé
Staff member
Still have it, which is why this isn't pressing, just wanted. It's only 30". (I like quality to come cheap :D )


New Member
i'd avoid the hitachi ..looks like a pile of shit.

I look at signals all day ..well, often enough anyway and notice all manner of things, that are apparently somehow "invisable" to others .. :shrug:

Also - how far back do you want to sit back to be able to see this?

It's pointless going for a few extra inches (the hitcahi) if you need to sit an extra 3 metres back to be able to watch it.

boy, the 42" plasma prices are cheap over there tho'!

£550 or close by??? Sheesh!


molṑn labé
Staff member
The Hitachi is one of the best rated brands of rear projection. :shrug:

We're sitting about 12 feet from the source.

I'm probably not getting any but damn it's hard to pass up 50% savings on what you'd like.

Luis G

Staff member
teehee, get a projector like I did. On my current setup it gives the equivalent to a 16x9 90" screen.

The other day I saw a few TVs, the colour quality of Phillips and Samsung was not good, the panasonic seemed right.


New Member
heh ...

well, you asked!

The plasma seems both of a certain quality and given that possibly value for money :shrug:

... personally, i'd be very wary of that model of rear at that price by Hitachi ..ESP on a 51/52 inch .... it don't add up to a hill of beans ... :shrug:


but what do i know? *sarcastic* ...

anyway ...

best to you Gonz, BB :)


molṑn labé
Staff member
heh ...

well, you asked!

Yes I did. I also appreciate the input though I'm curious what you see (or don't as it matters) in the Hitachi. I've never heard anything bad about them. :shrug: