WMD? Who needs WMD?


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Poll: More Say War Justified Without Finding Weapons

By Richard Morin and Claudia Deane
Washington Post Staff Writers
Saturday, April 5, 2003; Page A26

A growing majority of Americans believe the war in Iraq is justified even if the United States does not find weapons of mass destruction. At the same time, public optimism about the progress of the fighting has surged as recent gains on the battlefield have eased fears that the allies will become bogged down in a long and costly war, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll.

More than two-thirds of those interviewed -- 69 percent -- said that going to war with Iraq was the right thing to do even if the United States fails to turn up biological or chemical weapons, up from 53 percent in a survey taken the day after the war started.

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molṑn labé
Staff member
Ardsgaine said:
69 percent -- said that going to war with Iraq was the right thing to do even if the United States fails to turn up biological or chemical weapons

ooooohhhhhhhh, flaaaaaviooooooooo

Sorry man, I couldn't resist :D


molṑn labé
Staff member
This is why we do what we do for the world, even when they act like children forced to take medicine.

It's hard to tell whether the appreciation is genuine, or just a way of playing it safe with the new masters. But Lance Cpl. Brian Cole, 20, of Kansas City, Kan., was bowled over by the 7-year-old girl who handed him a Christmas card with this painstakingly written text: "Thank you for liberate us. And thank you for help us. You are a great army."

Hey Ards, look a link :D


New Member
Squig. I've always wondered... How do you rank me along the political spectrum? I'm not sure if you've ever whipped out mr :disgust2: on me before even though I'm sure my views are considered right wing in your eyes. Is it just my delivery style in that I don't poke and prod with so much of these little nonsensicals?


I think people in general would like to believe that all this death and destruction is somehow justified. Nobody really wants massive deaths to be in vain.


unc, I figure you pretty much centered, leaning right. In that, the communication remains intact. I don't feel like I'm at a pep rally when I read a view from you that opposes my own. You've seen how vehemently some of the right wingers proclaimed the left idiots for not having blind faith in Bush. Now, they are suddenly covering themselves in case nothing of the gravity of WMD is found. Its all a game to them. They have no problem saying to themselves " you know, I think it was worth all those American lives so I don't have to sit at home and hear about that asshole, Saddam..." They aren't even wating till its over to start with the " So what. I didn't like him anyway". This is the kind of discussion I won't participate in.


Thats what I mean. They insisted they had solid ground to make the accusations. But now they want everyone to think its ok to lie to America as long as Monica isn't involved. And justice?...They've made every excuse in the book not to go after the cradle of terrorism. Hell, Gonz claims that once the moslims see how wonderful democracy works in Iraq, they'll all want it. Then, in another thread, he says that the reason they hate Israel is because they're jealous that its a democracy. How do you hold a discussion with that?


molṑn labé
Staff member
Squiggy said:
Then, in another thread, he says that the reason they hate Israel is because they're jealous that its a democracy.


I said something to the effect that Israel shows it works, which makes them nervous, but jealous? That isn't a term I use often.

search said:
Sorry - no matches. Please try some different terms.


molṑn labé
Staff member
Why? Several happy go lucky dictatorships watch a bunch of Jews come in & become prosperous without the help of oil. The rulings body's don't like that & they get all pissy. Iraq & Iran used to be (relatively) free (stupid CIA) & once they get that taste back...no contradiction.


molṑn labé
Staff member
Squiggy said:
So why didn't they get the yearning by seeing Israel prosper?

Maybe because they're Jews & the Zionists rule the world, except their little slice of heaven.

flavio said:
Don't go and change your tune now.

That went right over my head. Explain por favor.


New Member
i think perhaps statements of others are being confused with gonz's in the debate.

i find nothing surprising in the support for the war now that it has started. the figures are about the same here as well i'd imagane. once the conflict has started the prevailing view is usually that it should be over quickly and with minimum of casualties.
and it also depends on how the questions were phrased - who wouldn't argue with the statement that 'once the conflict has started ridding saddam hussein is a good thing'. i'm surprised tehy could only find 70% if it was worded like that.