Woman ordered to pose nude for trial

Montesano, Washington (AP) - Prosecutors in western Washington state want some unusual evidence in the case of a woman charged with child rape.

A judge is ordering suspect Dewanna Granberg to pose nude for evidence photos sought by prosecutors. The 35-year-old woman is accused of having sex with a 14-year-old boy who worked at her bowling alley.

Prosecutors said their case against Dewanna Granberg, who is charged with third-degree child rape, will be strengthened if the boy's description of her physical characteristics is confirmed by the photos.

Granberg, who was arrested in January, denies the allegations. Her lawyers argued that a search warrant demanding Granberg pose nude for police photographers was an invasion of their client's privacy.

But Superior Court Judge Mark McCauley said Tuesday that the photos may prove to be "fruitful evidence.'' Whether the boy can identify telling things about Granberg's body could be a "crucial'' element in the case, the judge said.

McCauley specified that Granberg's face not be visible in the photos and that only the prosecution and defense can have access to them. Whether a jury will see the photos will be decided later.

Let the world decide, we also want to see if the kid is telling the truth :D :D
:shrug: At least they aren't making her do it in the courtroom, they're giving her that dignity anyway. It seems it needs to be done, and if she is saying she's not guilty, one would think she'd be glad of the chance to prove it, no matter what it took.
The lady prolly is guilty....buuuuut, if she isn't, posing naked to prove her innocence is just throwing salt in the wounds. Would definately suck to be that lady if the kid just made the whole thing up.
Good point. If she's a woofer then they should find other sources of evidence or just get an artists impression or something.

And here she is!!!!
a :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:


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dude, i looked at that and future genertions of my blood line just diminished cause my sperms had a seizure and died :laugh: