world's funniest joke = crap


Well-Known Member

frankly i think it sucks. maybe if it was written my a monkey i sould appreicate it.


New Member
:rofl2: I already knew that joke...

...ok, it wasn't that funny. This is the kind of humor they should put in a Monty Python scene, that would make it pretty funny :D, but I think that might be because I can already hear him saying "ok, now what?" in his typical british accent :lol: Ok, still, the joke wouldn't be funny, I would be laughing because it's Monty Python and everything in it is funny :D


Well-Known Member
see i must be wierd. i don't really like mp all that much. but i do respect it because i know the comedy i love today wouldn't be the same with out it. but still i find it to be not that funny.


New Member
My brother thinks the world's funinest joke is this...

Why did the girl fall off the swing?

Because she had no arms.