WTF?!?!? Another Obama Administration achievement!


Well-Known Member
The L.A. Times -- THE L.A. TIMES!! -- is even flabbergasted by the latest abomination which has vomited from the mouth of Joe Biden.

The Times has been in the tank for this administration from the get-go; but even they know the odor of bullshit does not resemble the smell of roses in the morning.

And Gibbs? Gibbs is an all-out ass. He couldn't pour water out of a boot if the instructions were written on the heel.

One of the most arrogant and condescending things one can say is "look" or "listen" which is like calling the other person stupid. He manages to do so three times in a single response.


Gibbs defends Biden claim that Iraq is a great Obama achievement, though both men opposed it

February 12, 2010 | 5:48 am

Obama Press Secretary Robert Gibbs was asked during the daily White House briefing Thursday about VP Joe Biden's strange statement the previous night that the Iraq war was one of the young Obama administration "great achievements."

First reported here on The Ticket early Thursday, the oft-gaffe-prone Biden went on Larry King's CNN show and said:

I am very optimistic about -- about Iraq. I mean, this could be one of the great achievements of this administration. You're going to see 90,000 American troops come marching home by the end of the summer. You're going to see a stable government in Iraq that is actually moving toward a representative government.​

The statement claiming credit for the ultimately favorable outcome in Iraq was striking to many. This is because:

a) Obama had opposed the war from the beginning,

b) both Obama and Biden opposed the U.S. troop surge of 2007 by President George W. Bush widely credited with producing the relative peace and stability to enable a U.S. exit,

c) both Obama and Biden predicted incorrectly that the troop surge would actually worsen sectarian strife there. Watch this Obama video interview from MSNBC in 2007:

d) Biden even proposed partitioning the country into separate areas, and

e) the status of forces agreement with Iraq that established the ongoing U.S. troop withdrawal was negotiated by the preceding Republican administration long before Obama took the oath of office twice.

Other than that, however, the Obama-Biden team would seem to deserve all the credit. Perhaps former Vice President Dick Cheney will have something to say about his successor's claim during an appearance this Sunday morning on ABC's "This Week."

Gibbs showed no sign of giving another "There-Goes-old-Joe" shoulder shrug about Biden, who's in Washington state today for a Democratic fundraiser before taking the president's place at the Olympic Games opening ceremonies in Vancouver tonight.

Indeed, Gibbs claimed....
... that then Sen. Obama's outspoken and firm opposition actually helped cause the allied victory.

Here's the full exchange from the White House transcript:

Q Robert, the Vice President last night said that Iraq could end up being one of the President's great achievements. Given that the Vice President was in favor of a partial partition of the country and the President opposed the surge that helped stabilize it, how is that one of the President's great achievements?

MR. GIBBS: Well, putting what was broken back together and getting our troops home, which we intend to do in August of this year.Obama press secretary Robert Gibbs

Q But the Status of Forces Agreement to bring troops home was signed before the President took office.

MR. GIBBS: Something that -- something that I think the political pressure that the President, as a then-candidate, helped to bring about.

Look, I think that we will long debate Iraq. We will long debate whether at a very important moment in our efforts to root out terrorism particularly in Afghanistan and on that border region with Pakistan, whether we took our eye off the ball.

I think historians will debate that long after we're gone. I think they will come likely to the conclusion that no single event took our eye off of what needed to be done in order to -- in order to occupy a country that, until we got there, didn’t have a single member of al Qaeda.

So, look, obviously -- look, the Vice President has been deeply involved in fixing the political process there so that elections can be held and so that our troops can come home as scheduled this summer.​

Judging by the hundreds of comments on our Ticket item Thursday, most readers disagree with Biden and Gibbs. What's your call on this?

-- Andrew Malcolm


Well-Known Member
Oh, yeah. Obama also says he is running the war just like Bush did. Funny, that, I thought Bush was some sort of war criminal.

Katie Couric was interviewing Obama when she asked this question: "Have you ruled out trying the confessed 9/11 mastermind in New York City?"

OBAMA: I have not ruled it out but I think it's important for us to take into account the practical, logistical issues involved. I mean if you've got a city that is saying "no" and a police department that's saying "no" and a mayor that's saying "no" that makes it difficult. But I -- I think that the most important thing for the public to understand is, we're not handling any of these cases any different than the Bush administration handled them all through 9/11.


bama's greatest acheivement for sure. putting the finishing touches on one the most profound wastes of resources in human history. he should be proud.


Well-Known Member
that's the problem, too much pride already.
Too much PC to have any humility, and it's blinding.


molṑn labé
Staff member
Oh, if only Saddam could have stayed in power & kept shooting at our planes, telling the world he had WMDs, kicking the UN around & generally being a benevolent dictator, how much better off we'd be.


Well-Known Member
Oh it's more than that Gonz, decades from now it will be shown
that our taking over the middle east was the best move we could have made.
We gave it back once all the commercial fusion power plants were online.
Then they all went back to living in tents and mud huts.
A baby's arm holding an apple.


Oh, if only Saddam could have stayed in power & kept shooting at our planes, telling the world he had WMDs, kicking the UN around & generally being a benevolent dictator, how much better off we'd be.

"cheaper to keep her." but hey if you think wasting money on stupid government projects is fine... oh yeah the war was unconstitutional too.


Well-Known Member
imo, the bombing phase was ok, with the so-called evidence, but the ground offensive should
have never taken place, until we cleared Afghanistan completely, at least.

Even now something is a bad amiss with the political end of the so-called Afghan offensive.
Pakistan should have had much strong ultimatums long ago.

More greed playing in, is my guess.


Well-Known Member
Osama should be

tortured and then shot, miraculously brought back to life,
tortured some more, then shot a few more times


Well-Known Member
imho, being a conspiracy theorist is ok, but dwelling on the past ,constantly,
is somewhat unproductive.


Congress voted to proceed. That is the Constitutional mandate.

that war is very much against the spirit of the constitution; there is no enumerated power to launch commercial wars against "enemies" that represent no immediate danger to the US. jefferson would puke what you drink like pabulum.


molṑn labé
Staff member
that war is very much against the spirit of the constitution; there is no enumerated power to launch commercial wars against "enemies" that represent no immediate danger to the US. jefferson would puke what you drink like pabulum.

Just in case you forgot already


They were nothing but criminals on 9/10


... and now we approach the 487th iteration of OSAMA BIN LADIN ain't IRAQI and al quada had no significant ties to iraq pre-9/11. we've gone over this DOZENS OF TIMES.

this is becoming sadder than an obese midwesterner shopping walmart from a scooter.


Well-Known Member
Another Osammie achievement, next up parting the Red Sea.

OMG the fat slob in the Wal-Mart scooter
the backbone of America!


molṑn labé
Staff member
You assume claims that haven't been made.

A 12-year war against a dictator, topped by a new war on terror, put the logical pizeces of the puzzle together.


claims made of what? a 12 year war that started in 1998 against saddam hussein? didn't we invade him well before that after the kuwait thingy? what are you even talking about? are you ever going to bother trying to understand the MASSIVE ideological differences between saddam's older school form of not-at-all islamic thuggery and bin ladens's dream of islamothugocracy?

no, but the big picture of the burning building makes us all feel bad, and mad, mad, mad, and we gotta find some motherfucker in a turban to blame. like that sikh guy that got set on fire in arizona after 9/11. this is brilliant, and we should all swell with pride to be part of it. america, fuck yeah.

i think it's time we got you fitted for a new, thicker helmet.