Yo.. T.D.


New Member
Don't go there man. She absolutely doesn't answer to that name. Last time I tried calling her that she hucked a cup of lye into my eyes for spite.


New Member

It's not Patricia I object to although that only gets used by my Dad when I do something wrong. It's Pat or Patty. That's what I was called in grammar school and when people see your full name and want to call you a shortened version, they usually go for Pat. So I correct them.

At work, the only place Patricia shows up is on my paychecks. There is another woman with the same exact name and I get her emails all that time.

Anyway, back to the topic-off-topic...

I don't know if constant Miracle Grow is a good idea, I heard that weakens plants over time and causes the leaves to become discolored. But if it works for you...!

You want some awesome looking tropical plants that love full sun? Try Canna Lillies. I grew my first two this summer and they're amazing. Out of two rhizomes I planted, I got 12 stalks. I've already promised Leslie some for when I dig them up and divide them in a couple of months, do you want some? Mine are called "Picasso", here's what mine look like:


They have huge, awesome looking leaves bigger than my arm, and some of the different kinds have outrageous foliage and flowers. I'd give you a link but I'm at work and my surfing is limited here. I have some pics that I'll scan tonight and post. But if you look up Google, they're Canna, not Calla lillies. The dwarf kind (what I have) grow 4 to 6 FEET high and the regular can get 6 to 8 feet. If you have somewhat mild winters, you can mulch them and they'll come back for you 6-fold the next year.

Mine got about 6 hours of direct sunlight and thrived. They suck up the water like crazy though, and I had to water mine every morning lest the leaves get brown around the edges and wilted.


New Member
My neighbor across the street is growing something in that family. I'd hate to be thought of as a copycat. This whole area seems to be shrub happy for the most part. Azaleas and myrtles and rhododendrons are more common than grass itself.