You profane MOTHERFU@#$R?????


Well-Known Member
Are you much of a profane employer in your everyday conversations? Do you use much profanity when you are angry or disheartened? What about sudden surprises that shake you? Do you belt out a "Oh fuck" when surprised with something shocking or given terrible news or do you spew forth "jesus fucking christ" when scared or surprised? Do you use the "F" word or the other taboo words around your kids or family?

How comfortable are you with your kids using such words in society? around you? regularly? being depended on them to decribe normal reactions?


molṑn labé
Staff member
Fuck yes. My kid tells my wife not to say the "F" word when he's around :D


New Member
I rarely swear IRL but TBH I don't think I do so much online either.

About the worst that I say a lot is crap.

I hate fuck, piss, shit, bloody, or anything along those lines. The odd occassion I will say arse


Major contributor!
I use fuck in every other fucking sentence I fucking speak. Fucking pisses me off when fuckers tell me to stop fuckin' swearing so much too. Fuckers.



New Member
i use profanity, if it is appropriate or if it helps to describe my mood. profanity can relay alot that you might miss about emotions blah, blah. alot of people will use it because they do not have a good grasp of the language or are lacking conversation skills. i just use it when it strikes me.

my 2 yr old has said some interesting things, but we tell her that little girls don't say that. it's worked so far.


New Member
tonks said:
i use profanity, if it is appropriate or if it helps to describe my mood. profanity can relay alot that you might miss about emotions blah, blah. alot of people will use it because they do not have a good grasp of the language or are lacking conversation skills. i just use it when it strikes me.

my 2 yr old has said some interesting things, but we tell her that little girls don't say that. it's worked so far.

I would never dream of swearing around kids


Well-Known Member
Swearing around kids is only bad because kids at the ages of 3-7 are copy machines. They'll run to their parents and divulge any info for free or without even the need for it so you lack of intelligent action on your part gets revelaed in front of the youngones parents. They'll look down on you for swearing in front of their kids.

Dumb fucking kids and their fucking nonstop mouths.....little fuckers.


New Member
i hate hearing kids swearing so i try and disapprove of parents who swear around them coz this is where a lot of it comes from


Well-Known Member
peterska2 said:
i hate hearing kids swearing so i try and disapprove of parents who swear around them coz this is where a lot of it comes from

12 years of public education system helps out a lot too.


New Member
i try not to swear around my kids, but i am not going to shelter them from foul language. all that serves to do is put an importance on it and make it seem taboo - therefore attractive.


New Member
Buttcrackdivine said:
One year is just about as damaging.

but if youy dont swear round your kids and tell them that itis wrong then they are less likely to swear at school either


New Member
peterska2 said:
but if youy dont swear round your kids and tell them that itis wrong then they are less likely to swear at school either
NONONO! if they have never heard these words or had them explained, believe me, as soon as they hear these words from their friends - they'll be saying them.


Well-Known Member
yeah. i swear. on a regular basis. most of the time, i dont even realize i do it.